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Cost of Goods Sold Report
Cost of Goods Sold Report
Updated over a week ago

You can access the Cost of Goods Sold report by clicking the App Drawer button then clicking View All > Reports > Sales > Cost of Goods Sold.

The Cost of Goods Sold Report is a sales report that displays the transaction details for products sold during the selected date range, such as the wholesale price and gross profit for each transaction.

This report can be used to track your costs against your retail prices, or to measure the profitability of each of your products. The summary cards at the top of the page provide an overview of the key information in the report.

You can use the search bar in this report to filter the data by client, purchase ID, transaction ID, or item name. For example, if you only want to view transactions for a specific product, you can enter the product’s name in the search bar.

Summary cards in the Cost of Goods Sold Report

Summary card


Total Products Sold

The total number of items purchased during the selected date range. Transactions that were failed, voided, and refunded aren’t included in this value.

Total Product Net Sales

The total net sales during the selected date range, after the deduction of refunds and voids, and including discounts and surcharges. Taxes and tips aren’t included. Additionally, voids and refunds are deducted from this value, and failed transactions aren't included.

Total Cost

The total wholesale price for all products sold or returned during the selected date range.

Total Gross Profit

The total gross profit for all transactions that took place during the selected date range.

Custom Tax/Total Product Taxes

The total value of taxes applied to the products sold during the selected date range. If there is only one type of tax set up in your store settings, this summary card will be named after the tax you have created.

If you have two or more taxes set up in your store settings, this summary card will appear as Total Products Taxes. Taxes from failed, voided, and refunded transactions aren’t included in this value.

Gross Profit %

The Total Gross Profit amount divided by the Total Net Sales amount multiplied by 100, expressed as a percentage.

Headings in the Cost of Goods Sold Report



Purchase ID

The Purchase ID for the sale. The Purchase ID can also be found next to the Purchase Number on the receipt.

This column is hidden by default.

Client Name

The name of the client who made the transaction.

If a guest completed the transaction, Guest appears in this column. You can click Guest to open their guest profile.


The date and time at which the transaction took place.


The location at which the transaction was made.

Revenue Category

Any revenue categories selected for the item. If no revenue category was selected, this column will appear empty.

When the item listed represents a payment toward another item, such as a payment plan or deposit, the revenue category associated with the originally purchased item is listed.


The number of items sold to the client or returned by the client.


The name of the item that was sold.

When a payment is made toward an item or account balance, such as a payment plan, deposit, or account payment, the type of payment made is listed in this column.

Product Option

The product option selected. For more information on setting product options, see Product general information settings.


Displays the price of an item, excluding discounts, surcharges, taxes, and tips.


The value of all items sold to the client or returned by the client. This value doesn’t include discounts, taxes, tips, or surcharges applied to the items sold.

Total Sales

The sale price for all items sold to the client or returned by the client. This is the price before applied discounts.

Discount Code

The discount code used for the transaction, if any.

This column is hidden by default.

Discount Amount

The amount of discount applied to the transaction, if any.

Total Net Sales

The total value of the transaction, including discounts and surcharges, but excluding taxes and tips.


The wholesale price of one unit of the product sold to the client or returned by the client.

Total Cost of Sales

The total wholesale price for all units of the product sold to the client or returned by the client.

Total Gross Profit

The total gross profit from the transaction, calculated by subtracting the Total Cost of Sales amount from the Total Net Sales amount.

Total Gross Profit %

The Total Gross Profit amount divided by the Total Net Sales amount multiplied by 100, expressed as a percentage.

Custom Tax/Total Taxes

The total value of taxes applied to the item sold. If there is only one type of tax set up in your store settings, this column will be named after the tax you have created. If you have two or more taxes set up in your store settings, this column will appear as Total Taxes.

This column is hidden by default.

Total Paid

The total amount paid with the payment methods specified in the Payment Method column.

This column is hidden by default.

Total Receipts

The total amount paid with non-Account payment methods.

Payment Method

The payment method used by the client to complete the transaction. If the client used multiple payment methods to complete the transaction, each payment method will be listed in this column.

This column is hidden by default.

Point of Sale

The platform through which the items were purchased.

This column is hidden by default.

Transaction Balance

The Total Sales minus the Total Receipts. Any amounts greater than zero in this column indicate one of the following:

  • The transaction is a purchase that was paid for by gift card, and the gift card redemption amount was greater than the Total Sales for the transaction

  • The transaction is an installment payment against the balance of a payment plan

  • The transaction was paid for with multiple methods, and one of the methods was Account

Advanced filters in the Cost of Goods Sold Report



Display sales with discounts

Use this filter to determine whether to include discounted sales in the report.

Discount Codes

Use this filter to determine which sales to include in the report based on which discount codes were applied to the sale.

Introductory Offer

Use this filter to determine whether to include introductory offers in the report.

Client Groups

Use this filter to determine which clients to include in the report based on their client group.

Note: This filter will pull any relevant information from the available fields. For example, if you filter for groups A, B, and C, the filter will find clients from group A, group B, group C, and any combination thereof, as opposed to only finding clients who belong to all three groups.

Payment Method

Use this filter to determine which sales to include in the report based on the payment methods used.

Credit Card Type

Use this filter to determine which sales to include based on the credit card provider used to complete the purchase. (VISA, Mastercard, etc.)

Accounting Method

Use this filter to determine which sales to include based on whether accrual or cash accounting methods were used. For more information about accrual and cash accounting methods, see FAQ: Reports.

Note: If you used a gift card or your account balance as part of a split payment, the payment will only appear when the Accrual or Accrual & Cash filter options are selected.


Use this filter to determine which locations to include in the report.

This filter is only available if your business has multiple locations.

Purchase or Money Owner

Use this filter to determine which items to include in the report based on who made the purchase; the client who received the item or the client who paid for the item.

Point of Sale

Use this filter to determine which transactions to include in the report based on their point of sale.

Revenue Categories

Use this filter to determine which transactions to include in the report based on their revenue categories.

Charged Taxes

Use this filter to determine which sales to include in the report based on whether the client was or was not charged taxes.


Use this filter to determine which sales to include in the report based on which tax types were applied to them.

The options available in this filter are dependent on the taxes you have set up in your store. Selecting a tax filter will display all sales to which that tax was applied.

Selecting the No taxes filter will filter for sales that do not have taxes applied to them.

Note: If the tax amount of a sale is manually changed to zero when the sale is made, the sale will still be considered taxed and can be filtered for using the appropriate tax filter.


Use this filter to determine which product(s) to include in the report.

Product Options

Use this filter to determine which product options to include in the report.

Product options are products with different variations. For example, a water bottle could come in two sizes: small and large. For more information, see Product general information settings.

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