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Set an asset's working hours
Updated over 3 months ago

After you create a Book-a-Spot asset, you can set its working hours to determine when the asset is available to be booked. Working hours can be set only for assets that are available to be booked separately from services.

Key tips before you begin

  • If you’re moving an asset from an inactive location to an active location and adding available time for the asset, you must first update the asset’s location and save the changes.

  • If an asset can be booked separately from services, its booking(s) can span multiple days if a location’s business hours allow for it.

Set an asset’s working hours

To set an asset’s working hours, follow these steps:

  1. Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Setup > Services > Book-a-Spot.

  2. Click the asset you want to modify. You can filter the list to easily find the asset.

  3. Under Asset Booking Rules, click Asset can be booked separately from services.

  4. Click Add Available Time or Add Unavailable Time to make an asset available or unavailable for services during the specified time.

  5. Enter the time details:

    1. Under Start Date and End Date, select the start date and end date, or select the Ongoing checkbox if you don’t want to set an end date.

    2. Under Day of the week, select the days of the week to which the times will apply.

    3. In the Start time and End time boxes, set the hours between which the asset will be available or unavailable.

    4. Under Notes, enter any relevant details about the available or unavailable time.

  6. Click Save.

Modify an asset’s working hours

To modify an asset’s working hours, follow these steps:

  1. Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Setup > Services > Book-a-Spot.

  2. Click the asset you want to modify. You can filter the list to easily find the asset.

  3. Under Asset Booking Rules, next to the day of the week you want to modify, click the Edit button.

  4. Modify the asset’s working hours:

    1. Select the dates that will be affected and click Next.

    2. Select the sessions that will be affected and click Next.

    3. Modify the date, time, or notes, and click Next.

    4. You will be notified if any clients are affected by the changes and can contact the affected clients to notify them.

    5. Review your changes

    6. Click Complete.

Cancel an asset’s working hours

To cancel an asset’s working hours, follow these steps:

  1. Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Setup > Services > Book-a-Spot.

  2. Click the asset you want to modify. You can filter the list to easily find the asset.

  3. Under Asset Booking Rules, next to the day of the week you want to modify, click the Cancel button.

  4. Cancel the asset’s working hours:

    1. Select the dates that you want to cancel and click Next.

    2. Select the sessions that you want to cancel and click Next.

    3. You will be notified if any clients are affected by the changes and can contact the affected clients to notify them. When ready, click Next.

    4. Review your changes. Set Display as canceled on schedule to ON or OFF.

    5. Click Complete.

Set availability from the schedule

To set availability from the schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Schedule.

  2. Set the schedule to Calendar view then select Day view.

  3. On the schedule, find the asset you want to modify.

  4. Click on the open area in the schedule. You have the following options:

    • Add Available Time – Select this option to add available time to the asset’s schedule. This option will only be displayed when you click an area that shows unavailable time on the schedule.

    • Add Unavailable Time – Select this option to add unavailable time to the asset’s schedule. This option will only be displayed when you click an area that shows available time on the schedule.

  5. Update the asset availability by filling out the following fields:

    • Start date and End date – Set the date range during which the asset is available or unavailable.

      • Ongoing – Select this checkbox if you don’t want to set an end date.

    • Day of the week – Select which days of the week the asset is available or unavailable.

    • Start time and End time – Set the time range during which the asset is available or unavailable.

    • Notes – Enter any notes associated with the asset’s availability or unavailability.

  6. Click Complete.

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