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Zapier integration
Updated over 9 months ago

To access the Zapier integration, click the App Drawer , then click Setup > Services > Integrations > Zapier.

Understanding the Zapier integration

Zapier integration allows you to streamline your everyday, repetitive tasks in your business. After connecting your WellnessLiving business to Zapier, you can set up your Zaps. A Zap is an automation that consists of a trigger and one or more actions which automates your workflow.

  • A trigger is an event that starts a Zap. For example, a client is added to a specific client group.

  • An action is an event that is performed in the Zap. For example, the profile field is automatically updated in the client’s profile.

What you can do with Zapier

Zapier allows you to automate your workflow in three ways:

  • A trigger within WellnessLiving causes one or more action(s) within WellnessLiving.

    • For example, when a client is added to a specific client group, a profile field is automatically updated in the client's profile.

  • A trigger within WellnessLiving causes one or more action(s) within another software.

    • For example, when a lead profile is created within Wellnessliving, an automatic email is sent to the lead.

  • A trigger in another software causes one or more action(s) within WellnessLiving.

    • For example, when a Google Sheets row is updated with a lead’s information, a lead profile is created within WellnessLiving.

Getting started with Zapier

Before you get started with using Zapier, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign up with Zapier – WellnessLiving offers Zapier integration at $10.00 USD per month. However, WellnessLiving doesn’t offer any plans on purchasing Zapier. For more information, see Plans & Pricing on the Zapier website.

  2. Connect your accounts – Before you can begin creating Zaps, connect your WellnessLiving and Zapier accounts.

  3. Start creating Zaps – Once your accounts are integrated, you can start creating Zaps. Creating, modifying, and managing your Zaps are all done through Zapier’s Zap Editor. To learn more, see Create Zaps and Manage your Zaps on the Zapier website.

Key tips

  • Availability

    • Zapier integration is currently only available in the Staff Back Office.

  • Staff members

    • Multiple staff accounts, with the right staff role permissions, can be connected to the same Zapier account.

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