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Cancel a class booking
Updated over a week ago

After a client is booked into a class, staff members can cancel that class booking from the Elevate Staff App or Staff Back Office. Clients can cancel bookings themselves through either the Client Web App or Achieve Client App.

Changing a client’s attendance status is another way to cancel a service booking. For more information, see Change a client’s attendance status.

To learn how to cancel a scheduled class entirely, see Canceling and restoring a class.

Key tips before you begin

  • If a visit paid for with a session pass or a membership is marked as Early Cancel, it will be returned to the session pass or membership. Returned visits won’t automatically pay for existing unpaid visits. To use a session pass or membership to pay for an unpaid visit you must reconcile the visit. For more information, see Reconciling an unpaid visit.

  • Enabling the Class booking (Reservation) Canceled by Staff notification will automatically select the checkbox to send the related notification to the affected clients when a staff member is canceling a class booking. If the Class Booking (Reservation) Canceled by Staff notification is disabled, the staff member must manually select which notifications to send to the affected clients.

  • If you choose to display canceled classes on the schedule, canceled classes will appear in the Client Web App and not in the Achieve Client App.

Cancel one class booking from a client’s profile

Desktop – Staff Back Office

To cancel one class booking from a client’s profile in the Staff Back Office, complete the following:

  1. Click the Search button in the Top Nav Bar and enter the client’s information, then click their name in the list.

  2. On the side menu, click Attendance.

  3. On the Attendance menu, click Upcoming Schedule.

  4. In the list, find the class you want to cancel. You may have to browse the list, use the Search option, or filter the list to find the class.

  5. Under the ACTION column, click the Action button and select Cancel Session.

  6. In the confirmation popup, click OK.

Mobile – Elevate Staff App

To cancel one class booking from a client’s profile in the Elevate Staff App, complete the following:

  1. Tap the Clients tab.

  2. Enter the client’s information in the Search box, then tap their name in the list.

  3. Tap the Options button then tap Attendance.

  4. Slide the class that needs to be canceled to the left and tap Cancel.

  5. In the conformation popup, click OK.

Cancel one class booking from the schedule

To cancel one class booking from the schedule, complete the following:

  1. Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Schedule.

  2. Click the class you want to cancel for a client, then click View attendance list.

  3. Find the client you want to cancel the event for, then click the Action button next to the entry.

  4. Click Cancel visit.

  5. In the confirmation popup, click OK.

Cancel a recurring class booking

To cancel a recurring class booking for a client, complete the following:

  1. Click the Search button in the Top Nav Bar and enter the client’s information, then click their name in the list.

  2. On the side menu, click Attendance.

  3. On the Attendance menu, click Upcoming Schedule.

  4. In the list, find the recurring class you want to cancel. You may have to browse the list or filter the list to find the class.

    • Canceling the last session of a client’s recurring class booking will stop the system from booking future sessions for that client.

  5. In the Action column, click the Action button and select Cancel Class in Recurring Booking.

  6. On the Recurring Sessions page, filter for and select the recurring sessions you want to cancel for this class:

    1. Under Ends, select how many recurring sessions you want to cancel for this class:

      • To cancel a specific number of recurring sessions for this class, select Number of canceled classes and enter the number of sessions you want to cancel.

      • To cancel recurring sessions for this class over a specific time period, select Cancel from [date] to [date] and enter a start and end date in the corresponding date fields.

      • To cancel all recurring sessions for this class, select No end date.

    2. Under Repeats every, enter the frequency for which you want to cancel recurring sessions for this class.

    3. Under Repeats on, select the days of the week for which you want to cancel recurring sessions for this class.

    4. Under Booked [number] session(s), all recurring sessions for this class that fit under the criteria you entered above are displayed. Sessions that will be canceled are highlighted in blue. Click each session you don’t want to cancel.

    5. Under Added to [number] waitlist(s), all recurring sessions for this class for which the client was added to a waitlist and that fit under the criteria you entered above are displayed. Sessions that will be cancelled are highlighted in blue. Click each session you don’t want to cancel.

    6. Click Cancel booking.

Cancel multiple event bookings

To cancel multiple event bookings for one client, complete the following:

  1. Click the Search button in the Top Nav Bar and enter the client’s information, then click their name in the list.

  2. On the side menu, click Attendance.

  3. On the Attendance menu, click Upcoming Schedule.

  4. In the list, select the checkbox next to each class you want to cancel. You may have to browse the list or filter the list to find the class.

  5. Click Early Cancel Selected.

  6. In the confirmation popup, click OK. The bookings are canceled.

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