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Merchant processing fees
Updated over 4 months ago

You must pay certain fees to your merchant processor to process payments through WellnessLiving. All merchant processors that WellnessLiving integrates with are listed below by country.

All prices listed below are in USD unless stated otherwise.

Australia merchant processing fees

QuickPay (PayChoice)

If your merchant processor is QuickPay (formerly PayChoice), the fees you’re required to pay will vary by account. Contact your merchant processor to obtain any specific information about your account.

Canada merchant processing fees

Paysafe (Canada)

Required fees

The following fees will be charged for all services.




Gateway fees



Monthly gateway fees are charged on the first of the month for the upcoming month’s usage. Transaction fees are charged at the beginning of each month for the previous month’s transactions. Transaction fees are charged for every transaction, including refunds and voids.

Note: When the amount of transaction fees reaches a specific threshold during a payment cycle, a portion of the fees will be charged immediately. This can occur multiple times each payment cycle depending on how many times the threshold is reached.

Annual maintenance fee


This fee is billed annually by WellnessLiving in December for the cost of maintaining your account.

Optional fees

The following fees will only be charged if you have applied for the specific service.




ACH processing fees



ACH processing allows you to debit your clients’ bank accounts directly.

This service is available to US and Canadian customers. If you apply successfully for this service, you will be charged a monthly fee and a fee per transaction.

Nuvei (Canada)

Required fees

The following fees will be charged for all services.




Gateway fees



Monthly gateway fees are charged on the first of the month for the upcoming month’s usage.

Transaction fees are charged at the beginning of each month for the previous month’s transactions. Transaction fees are charged for every transaction, including refunds and voids.

Note: When the amount of transaction fees reaches a specific threshold during a payment cycle, a portion of the fees will be charged immediately. This can occur multiple times each payment cycle depending on how many times the threshold is reached.

Annual maintenance fee


This fee is billed annually by WellnessLiving in December for the cost of maintaining your account.

New Zealand merchant processing fees


Required fees

The following fees will be charged for all services.




Gateway fees

$16/month; $0.11/transaction

Monthly gateway fees are charged on the first of the month for the upcoming month’s usage. Transaction fees are charged at the beginning of each month for the previous month’s transactions. Transaction fees are charged for every transaction, including refunds and voids.

Note: When the amount of transaction fees reaches a specific threshold during a payment cycle, a portion of the fees will be charged immediately. This can occur multiple times each payment cycle depending on how many times the threshold is reached.

Annual maintenance fee


This fee is billed annually by WellnessLiving in December for the cost of maintaining your account.

UK merchant processing fees


Required fees

The following fees will be charged for all services.




MSC Rate (All Cards)


A fixed percentage rate charged per transaction.



The cost associated per refund.

Smartpay Fuse (Tokenization)


The cost for each credit card tokenized to a profile.



The cost for reversing a transaction.

Minimum Billing


The minimum billing amount per month.

Paysafe (UK)

Required fees

The following fees will be charged for all services.




Gateway fees



Monthly gateway fees are charged on the first of the month for the upcoming month’s usage.

Transaction fees are charged at the beginning of each month for the previous month’s transactions. Transaction fees are charged for every transaction, including refunds and voids.

Note: When the amount of transaction fees reaches a specific threshold during a payment cycle, a portion of the fees will be charged immediately. This can occur multiple times each payment cycle depending on how many times the threshold is reached.

Annual maintenance fee


This fee is billed annually by WellnessLiving in December for the cost of maintaining your account.

US merchant processing fees


Required fees

The following fees will be charged for all services.


Amount (USD)


Gateway fees

$16/month; $0.11/transaction

Monthly gateway fees are charged on the first of the month for the upcoming month’s usage.

Transaction fees are charged at the beginning of each month for the previous month’s transactions.

Transaction fees are charged for every transaction, including refunds and voids.

Annual maintenance fee


Argus charges this fee annually in December for the maintenance of your account.

PCI compliance fee


An annual fee, billed in June, for keeping your business in accordance with PCI compliance, as required by Visa and MasterCard.

There is a PCI validation program to ensure your business has met the PCI requirements of Visa and MasterCard.

Optional fees

The following fees will only be charged for applicable services.


Amount (USD)


ACH processing fees

$30/month; $24.95/quarter; $0.30/transaction

ACH processing fee allows you to debit your clients’ bank accounts directly.

If you book this service, you will be charged a monthly fee, a quarterly compliance fee, and a fee per transaction.

Next day funding fee


A monthly fee for the daily transfer of funds from your processing account to your bank account.

Sales made by the end of the current day (5:00 p.m. EST) will be deposited into your account early next day (8:30 a.m. EST). The deposit time is influenced by the batch time, which can vary by state/province.

For more information about deposit times, please reach out to your respective processor. You must qualify and be approved for this service.

Nuvei (US)

Required fees

The following fees will be charged for all services.




Gateway fees



Monthly gateway fees are charged on the first of the month for the upcoming month’s usage. Transaction fees are charged at the beginning of each month for the previous month’s transactions. Transaction fees are charged for every transaction, including refunds and voids.

Note: When the amount of transaction fees reaches a specific threshold during a payment cycle, a portion of the fees will be charged immediately. This can occur multiple times each payment cycle depending on how many times the threshold is reached.

Annual maintenance fee


This fee is billed annually by WellnessLiving in December for the cost of maintaining your account.


Required fees

The following fees will be charged for all services


Amount (USD)


Gateway fees


Monthly gateway fees are charged on the first of the month for the upcoming month’s usage.

Transaction fees are charged at the beginning of each month for the previous month’s transactions.

Transaction fees are charged for every transaction, including refunds and voids.

Annual maintenance fee


Paragon charges this fee annually in December for the cost of maintaining your account.

PCI compliance fee


An annual fee, billed in June, for keeping your business in accordance with PCI compliance, as required by Visa and MasterCard.

There is a PCI validation program to ensure your business has met the PCI requirements of Visa and MasterCard.

Note: Businesses that aren’t PCI compliant will be penalized $39.95 per month by Paragon.

Optional fees

The following fees will only be charged if you have applied for the specific service.


Amount (USD)


ACH processing fees


ACH processing allows you to debit your clients’ bank accounts directly.

If you apply successfully for this service, you will be charged a monthly fee, a quarterly compliance fee, and a fee per transaction.

Next day funding fee


A monthly fee for the daily transfer of funds from your processing account to your bank account. Sales made by the end of the current day (5:00 p.m. EST) will be deposited into your account at the beginning of the next day (8:30 a.m. EST).

The current and next day are determined based on batch time. Batch times can vary by state/province.

Contact your respective processor to understand deposit times.

You must apply and be approved for this service.

Card account updater (CAU) fees

$0.75/per updated card

CAU is a Visa/MasterCard product that is directly integrated to Visa and MasterCard’s customer databases. It securely retrieves your client’s new and/or updated credit card information and automatically adds it to their WellnessLiving profile.

Updates might include an expiring credit card or a new credit card.

For more information, see Paragon Card Account Updater (CAU).


Required fees

The following fees will be charged for all services.


Amount (USD)


Gateway Fees


Monthly gateway fees are charged on the first of the month for the upcoming month’s usage.

Transaction fees are charged at the beginning of each month for the previous month’s transactions.

Transaction fees are charged for every transaction, including refunds and voids.

Note: When the amount of transaction fees reaches a specific threshold during a payment cycle, a portion of the fees will be charged immediately. This can occur multiple times each payment cycle depending on how many times the threshold is reached. For example, if the threshold is $50, you’ll be billed a portion of the transaction fees when the amount reaches $50 and again when the amount reaches $100 during the same payment cycle.

Annual maintenance fee


This fee is billed annually by WellnessLiving in December for the cost of maintaining your account.

Paysafe (US)

Required fees

The following fees will be charged for all services.




Gateway fees



Monthly gateway fees are charged on the first of the month for the upcoming month’s usage.

Transaction fees are charged at the beginning of each month for the previous month’s transactions. Transaction fees are charged for every transaction, including refunds and voids.

Note: When the amount of transaction fees reaches a specific threshold during a payment cycle, a portion of the fees will be charged immediately. This can occur multiple times each payment cycle depending on how many times the threshold is reached.

Annual maintenance fee


This fee is billed annually by WellnessLiving in December for the cost of maintaining your account.

Optional fees

The following fees will only be charged if you have applied for the specific service.




ACH processing fees



ACH processing allows you to debit your clients’ bank accounts directly.

This service is available to US and Canadian customers. If you apply successfully for this service, you will be charged a monthly fee and a fee per transaction.

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