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Standard data migration
Updated over 4 months ago

During your scheduled kick-off call, our Onboarding Team will let you know what data can be migrated into WellnessLiving.

Your Onboarding Specialist will provide you with spreadsheet templates that you can use for the migration process. After you have completed the data migration and onboarding process, you can follow the account verification steps to complete the setup of your account.

What data can be imported into WellnessLiving?


  • Client data – First name, last name, client ID, gender, email address, contact number, birth date, account balance, home location, address information, and communication settings.

  • Family relationships – First name, last name, who the client pays for, and relationship type.

  • Custom client fields – Custom client fields with text boxes, dropdown menus, and radio buttons.

  • Purchase Options – Active and inactive owned client memberships and session passes, visits remaining on owned memberships and session passes (including the duration remaining on time-based passes), price of owned memberships and session passes, and the purchase date, start date, expiration date, and/or auto-renewal data for owned memberships and session passes.

  • Attendance history and upcoming schedule – Service date, service start time, service end time, description of the service, the staff member who hosted or will host the service, the location at which the service took place or will take place, the room in which the service took place or will take place, the client who attended or will attend the service, the attendance status of the client, and the Purchase Option used to pay for the service.

  • Billing information – You will need to contact your current processor to confirm if they will be able to export the necessary data to your new processor. Please ensure you have the contact information for your current processor so all involved parties can work directly with them.

  • Rewards points – The number of rewards points that a client has earned.

Retail products and inventory

  • Barcode, name, manufacturer, supplier, color, size, location, current inventory, cost, retail price, and reorder level.

Are there any data limitations?

The following information cannot be imported into WellnessLiving:

  • Sales history

  • Memberships with previously signed contracts (signed contracts can be manually uploaded as documents to client profiles)

  • All other aspects of data migration not listed in this article

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