To access your Partner Program dashboard, click the App Drawer then click Partner Program - Refer a Business.
From your Partner Program dashboard, you can view the WellnessLiving Partner Agreement, review your earnings and referrals, and find the tools you need to share WellnessLiving with other businesses and start earning your commissions.
For each business you refer, you can receive up to $1500 and the referred business can receive $500, so let’s get started.
Review the WellnessLiving Partner Agreement
On your Partner Program dashboard, beside WellnessLiving Partner Agreement, click the View Agreement button
Modify your Partner Program URL
On your Partner Program dashboard, in the Custom URL field, enter your custom URL and then press Enter on your keyboard.
In the Confirmation Required popup, click OK.
If the custom URL you have entered is already being used by another business, the Custom URL field will turn red and you must enter a different custom URL.
Preview your Partner Program landing page
On your Partner Program dashboard, beside your Partner Program URL, click the Action button
and select Preview my landing page.
Copy your Partner Program URL and promo code
On your Partner Program dashboard, click the Copy to clipboard button
next to your Partner Program URL or promo code.
Share the link or promo code with the business you’re referring. Businesses can follow the link to your landing page to request a demo with WellnessLiving or use your promo code when requesting a demo to receive a discount when they sign up with WellnessLiving.
Share your Partner Program URL and promo code on Facebook or Twitter
On your Partner Program dashboard, click the Action button
next to your Partner Program URL, then select Share via Facebook or Share via Twitter.
Sign in to your social media account if necessary, add any required information about the link to the post, then submit the post
Review your Partner Program earnings
On your Partner Program dashboard, under Earnings, the total amount earned from the Partner Program to date is displayed.
Click the dropdown button to select the view used to display your earnings. You can select Total Earnings or Earnings per Month. By default, Total Earnings is selected.
Under Account Balance, you can view all the credits and debits your business received from the Partner Program.
To hide the credits and debits on your account balance, click Hide Activity.
Review your referrals
On your Partner Program dashboard, under Referrals, you can view all the business you referred to WellnessLiving, along with the date they were referred and their WellnessLiving subscription status (such as Active or Canceled).
To download this list, click Export, then select CSV or Excel.
Under Leads, you can view all the businesses you have referred that aren’t yet using WellnessLiving.
To download this list, click Export, then select CSV or Excel.