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Accept donations through WellnessLiving
Updated over 3 months ago

You can accept donations through WellnessLiving by offering a donation product that clients can purchase in your store to make a donation. You can adjust the price when making a sale to allow custom donation amounts.

Alternatively, you can create donation Purchase Options with varying prices, allowing clients to choose how much they wish to donate.

Create a donation product

To create a product that clients can use for donations, follow these steps:

  1. Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Setup > Store Configuration >Products.

  2. Click Add Product.

  3. On the Create Product page, configure the product’s general settings as needed.

  4. Under Product Options, select This product has multiple options.

    1. Under Option, enter a name for the donation amount.

    2. Under Cost, enter $0.

    3. Under Retail Price, enter the amount for the donation. To add more donation amounts, click the plus sign next to the option.

    4. Repeat these steps for each donation amount that you want to make available to your clients.

  5. Click Save. The donation product should now be available in your store.

Sell a donation product with custom amount

To sell a created donation product with a custom amount, follow these steps:

  1. Manually change the price of the donation product in the shopping cart.

  2. Click Proceed to Checkout.

    • Select each payment method the client wants to use.

    • Click Complete.

Create a donation Purchase Option

To create Purchase Options to use for donations, follow these steps:

  1. Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Setup > Store Configuration > Purchase Options.

  2. Create or modify a membership or session pass.

  3. Click the Purchase Option you created. Use the Search option or add filters to quickly find it.

  4. Click Duplicate.

  5. Click the duplicated Purchase Option. Use the Search option or add filters to quickly find it.

  6. Change the name of the Purchase Option to reflect the amount that will be donated when clients choose this Purchase Option. For example, $5 Donation for one Class.

  7. Change the Price of the Purchase Option to the donation amount.

  8. Click Save.

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