You can set the price of any of your products to $0. You may want to do this for certain add-on products to encourage customer loyalty by offering freebie promotions with appointment bookings.
To learn how to offer an item in a client’s shopping cart for free one time, see Offering any purchase for free from the shopping cart.
Note: Select Only staff can sell this product under Purchase Restrictions in the product’s advanced settings if you want to prevent clients from purchasing the product for free.
To offer a free product, complete the following:
Click the App Drawer button, then click Setup > Store Configuration > Products.
On the Products page, create or modify a product:
To create a new product, click Add Product.
To modify an existing product, click the product you want to modify.
Under Product Options, in the Retail Price box, enter 0.00. If you have multiple product options, you can make one or more of those options free.
Click Save.