Any product from your store can be offered to your clients as an add-on to your appointments. Add-ons can be used as a tool to upsell items and incentivize clients to make additional purchases. Once an add-on product is set up, you can offer it to clients when booking an appointment.
Note: Add-ons included with appointments are displayed differently depending on the schedule view:
In the Calendar view, an icon indicates any included add-ons.
In the List view, the number of add-ons appears under the Add-Ons column, and you can hover over it for more details.
Set up an add-on product
To set up an add-on product, complete the following:
Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Setup > Store Configuration > Products.
On the Products page:
To add a new product, click Add Product then enter the product details. For details about specific fields, see Product general information settings and Product advanced settings.
To make an existing product an add-on, click the product in the list
Under Advanced Settings, scroll to the Service Add-on heading. Under this heading, select Product is used as an appointment add-on.
Select the checkboxes next to all appointments that should have this product as an available add-on. To make the product available as an add-on for all appointments, select the Select All checkbox.
Select the product option applicable for this appointment. For more information on product options, see Product general information settings.
If the purchase of this product will add additional time to the appointment:
Click Add Additional Time to the right of the appointment.
From the lists, choose the amount of additional time this product will add to the appointment.
To select a new price for the product when purchased alongside the appointment:
Click Additional Cost to the right of the appointment.
From the lists, choose the new price for the product. This new price will ignore the original price of the product.
Click Save.