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Client Details Report
Updated over a month ago

To access the Client Details Report, click the App Drawer button then click View All > Reports > Clients > Client Details.

The Client Details Report is a client report that displays profile details of all clients who joined your business during the selected date range. Profile details include contact information, client ID, home location, custom client fields, and more. The summary cards at the top of the page provide an overview of the key information in the report.

Note: When a profile is merged into another, it may still appear in client reports for up to 20 minutes as the UID of the merged profile is removed from the system.

Summary cards in the Client Details Report

In addition to the summary cards listed in the table below, summary cards corresponding to any custom client types you have created will also be available.

Summary card


Active Pass Holder

The total number of clients who joined your business during the selected date range and are currently active pass holders.

Active Member

The total number of clients who joined your business during the selected date range and are currently active members.

Inactive Pass Holder

The total number of clients who joined your business during the selected date range and are currently inactive pass holder.

Inactive Member

The total number of clients who joined your business during the selected date range and are currently inactive members.


The total number of clients who joined your business during the selected date range and are currently prospects.


If no clients joined your business during the selected date range, this card will display a zero.

Headings in the Client Details Report

In addition to the headings listed below, any custom client fields you have created will also be displayed in this report.

Heading name


First Name

The first name of the client.

Last Name

The last name of the client.


The email address of the client.

Cell Phone

The cell phone number of the client.

Home Phone

The home phone number of the client.

Work Phone

The work phone number of the client.


The birth date of the client.


The gender of the client.


The address of the client.


The city in which the client lives.

Zip/Postal Code

The zip/postal code of the client.


The business name of the client’s home location.


The ID of the client.


The name of the client who referred this client. If the client was not referred by anyone, this column will be blank.


The client’s client type.

Vaccination Status

The client’s vaccination status. This heading is only displayed if the Show client vaccination status option is set to ON in your business policies.

Advanced filters in the Client Details Report

In addition to the filters listed in the table below, filters corresponding to any custom client fields you have created will also be available.



Client Types

Determines which clients to include in the report based on their client type.

Client Groups

Determines which clients to include in the report based on their client group.


Determines whether to include clients in the report based on the gender specified in their profile.

Edited Purchase Options

Determines which clients to include in the report based on whether they have Purchase Options that have been individually modified.

Client Status

Determines which clients to include in the report based on whether they currently have an active Purchase Option.


Determines which client profile fields to include as columns in the report.

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