If a staff member is unavailable for a scheduled appointment, class, or event session, you can substitute them for another staff member. The substitute staff member can be selected only if they have the relevant services enabled. Replacing a staff member for an appointment is different from replacing a staff member for a class or event.
Note: When you substitute a staff member for an appointment, the staff member who was originally booked to host the appointment will automatically receive the Appointment Cancelled notification and the substitute staff member will receive the New Appointment notification. For more information, see Staff notification types.
Substitute a staff member for an appointment
To substitute a staff member for an appointment, complete the following:
Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Schedule.
Select the appointment for which you want to substitute a staff member.
Click Reschedule.
Scroll down and click Staff:
Under Staff Gender Preference, select the preferred gender of the staff member:
Under Staff, select one of the available staff members.
If you select Show Unavailable Staff, you can select a staff member whose working hours would make them unavailable during the time when the appointment will occur.
Under Notify Clients, select the Send email notification, the Send SMS notification, and/or the Send push notification checkboxes to notify any affected clients of the changes.
To customize the notifications:
Click Customize Email, Customize SMS, or Customize Push depending on which notification you want to change.
Make any required changes to the notification template. For more information on customizing email notifications, see Automated email template settings and Email variables.
Click Save.
To complete the substitution, select:
Reschedule unpaid — The substitution will apply only to the selected session, and no payment is required.
Reschedule & pay — The substitution will apply to the selected session, and payment will be processed for the new date and time. For more information about making a payment see, Making a Sale.
Substitute a staff member for classes and events
To substitute a staff member for classes and events, complete the following:
Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Schedule.
Select the class or event on the schedule.
From calendar view :
Click the Calendar button
Click the class or event session
Next to the staff member’s name, click the Options button
Click Advanced Substitution.
From list view :
Click the List button
Find the class or event session.
Under Service, click the service name.
Next to the staff member’s name, click the Options button.
Click Advanced Substitution.
3. Under When does it apply?, select whether the modification will apply to a Single day or Multiple days.
To modify a Single Day session:
Select Single day to modify one session. Under Date, select the date that you want the modification to apply to.
To modify Multiple Days:
Under From Date, select the start date that the modifications will apply to.
The All sessions going forward checkbox is selected by default. If you want to specify an end date for the modifications, clear the checkbox and under To Date, select the end date for the modifications.
Click Next.
Under Which sessions to modify?, select whether you want to modify any additional sessions.
4. Click Next.
5. Under What is being changed?, select the replacement instructor from the list and select their pay rate. If the staff member doesn’t have a pay rate set up, click Setup pay rate and set the staff member’s pay rates.
6. Click Next.
7. If clients and staff are being impacted, under Are clients & staff impacted?, select the Send email to affected clients, the Send SMS to affected clients, and/or the Send push to affected clients checkboxes to notify any affected clients of the changes.
8. Click Next.
To customize the notifications:
Click Customize Email, Customize SMS, or Customize Push depending on which notification you want to change.
Make any required changes to the notification template. For more information on customizing email notifications, see Automated email template settings and Email variables.
Click Save.
9. Review your changes and click Complete.