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Client Web App
Updated over a week ago

Understanding the Client Web App

The Client Web App is the website interface for your clients use to interact with your business. The Client Web App is mobile friendly and can be viewed on any device.

What you can do with the Client Web App

Client can use the Client Web App to access and interact with your business. With the Client Web App, clients can:

  • Book or check in to services.

  • View their schedule.

  • View and change their profile details.

  • Purchase items from the store.

  • Track and redeem their loyalty rewards, and more.

Getting started with the Client Web App

Before clients can start using the Client Web App, you must follow these steps:

  1. Set up your business URLs – Use the Staff Back Office to set up your business’s general URL links.

  2. Provide the Client Web App sign-in page – Once everything is set up, share the Sign in business URL with your clients so that they can access their profile and interact with your business.

Key tips

  • Accessibility

    • Clients won’t be able to access your Client Web App, if you don’t fill out the Custom URL field on the Business URLs page. For more information, see Setting up your business URLs.

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