The number of visits remaining on a client’s Purchase Option is different than expected. Why is the Purchase Option showing the wrong number of visits?
There are a couple possible reasons why a client’s Purchase Option may be displaying the wrong number of visits. To resolve the issue, follow the instructions below. If the issue persists after completing these steps, please contact WellnessLiving Support.
Your data was imported from Mindbody
Your data was imported from Mindbody
This number of visits may be incorrect after importing your data from Mindbody. When importing Purchase Options bought on Mindbody, only the number of visits remaining will be imported. This value will be the client’s total remaining visits on that Purchase Option.
For example, a client purchases a 10-session pass on Mindbody. They use seven visits and have three remaining. After importing the pass into WellnessLiving, the imported pass will show only three total visits.
Any Purchase Options bought after the Mindbody import will have the correct number of visits.
Visits from the previous auto-renewal period have been added to the current period
Visits from the previous auto-renewal period have been added to the current period
The number of visits may seem incorrect because visits from the previous auto-renewal period have been added to the current period.
For example, a client has a session pass with 10 visits and books 10 sessions in one auto-renewal period. This causes their session pass to auto-renew with 10 new available visits. If a session booked during their previous auto-renewal period is canceled before they book anything else, the visit will be added back to the pass, and they’ll have 11 visits.