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30 articles
Why are my emails blacklisted?
Why is my barcode scanner not scanning barcodes? DNS errors
Why does *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* appear in my email campaigns?
Why do I see the error message “This email is already registered. Please sign in.” when changing a client’s email address?
Why can’t I book a service with a Purchase Option?
Why isn’t the card reader working?
Why are client Purchase Options not displaying the correct visits?
Why did a transaction with a shared credit card fail?
Why can’t I assign a staff member to a service?
Why does “This page uses cookies. To continue, open widget in a new tab.” appear when viewing my widgets?
Why did I receive error 253 “The transaction was declined by our Risk Management department”?
Why isn’t my staff member’s payroll calculating correctly?
Why can’t clients book classes through ClassPass?
Why did I receive the “Widget URL is broken (skin id is not specified)” error?
Why can’t my client sign in to the Client Web App?
Why does an ACH payment show a status of Failed?
Why can’t I pay for an unpaid event from the store?
Why is a discount code not working?
Why aren’t staff members receiving email or SMS notifications?
Why can’t I open the Achieve Client App or Elevate Staff App?
Why does the schedule show the wrong time?
Why is there a discrepancy between the number of visits on a session pass and the attendance restriction allowance?
Why is WellnessLiving taking so long to load?
Why isn’t my client showing up in the search results?
Why is the system billing a different payment method for Purchase Option auto-payments?
Why does my client’s credit card show that it’s been double billed when their client profile shows no duplicate transactions?
Why can't clients apply event purchases to event visits
Why can't I import data to QuickBooks?
Why are assets reserved for a class still bookable for other clients?