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Client Web App: Book now tabs
Updated over 7 months ago

Understanding book now tabs

Book now tabs are a visual representation of your classes, events, appointments, and Book-a-Spot assets.

The default book now tabs for each service are as follows:

  • The default book now tab for appointments is Appointments.

  • The default book now tab for classes is Classes.

  • The default book now tab for events is Enrolments.

  • The default book now tab for Book-a-Spot assets is Assets.

What you can do with book now tabs

  • Categorize your services, making it easy for clients to find exactly the types of services they are interested in from the Client Web App.

  • Sort services in multiple book now tabs, to accommodate your specific business needs.

  • Make different services stand out for potential clients. For example, if your business offers both strength training and martial arts classes, categorizing these separately in two book now tabs would be ideal for your clients who are looking specifically for one type of service.

Getting started with book now tabs

  1. Select the desired book now tab or add a new tab to sort the service.

  2. Your clients can now find the service under the book now tab in the Client Web App.

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