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Client payments through collections
Client payments through collections
Updated over a week ago

After you’ve signed up for Collections, on the seventh of every month, a list of clients that have overdue payments beyond your business’s grace period will be sent to Aldous & Associates. The default grace period is 90 days, but you can customize this for your business by contacting Aldous. Representatives at Aldous will contact these clients to work on collecting their overdue payments.

Clients in collections can make their payments through Aldous, or directly to your business. These payments will be displayed differently in the reports and profile pages on WellnessLiving depending on which option the client chooses.

Payment through Aldous

When a client makes a payment through Aldous, the payment amount, minus Aldous' fee, is sent to your business by Aldous.

After a client has settled their payment, their full payment is:

  • Displayed on the Collection Resolution through Agency Report, and on the Purchases page and Transactions page of the client’s profile.

  • Included in the total for the Collections Payment category on the Sales Summary by Revenue Category Report.

  • Credited to the client’s account balance on the Billing & Account Balance page in the client’s profile. The payment will be displayed on the client’s account balance history, the All Sales Report, and the Sales Details by Location Report with a note that says Account credited due to payment through collections.

  • Displayed as revenue in the All Sales Report and the Sales Details by Location Report (for Enterprise customers) when the Accounting Method filter on the report is set to Cash.

    • The Date column will display the date the client paid Aldous.

    • The Revenue Category column will display Collections Payment.

    • The Item column will display Collections Payment.

    • The Amount, Subtotal, Total Net Sales, Total Amount, and Total Paid columns will display the amount the client paid to Aldous.

    • The payment amount will be included in the total in the Total Net Sales summary card.

    • Custom tax columns and the Total Taxes column will be blank.

    • The Payment Method column will display the method the client used to pay Aldous.

    • The User column will display the client’s name.

    • The Point of Sale column will display Paid through collections.

Payment directly to the business

As an alternative to paying through Aldous, clients can pay your business directly:

After a client has settled their payment, their full payment is:

Aldous’s fee

Whether a client pays through Aldous or pays the business directly, a 40% fee is automatically deducted from the client’s payment.

When a client in collections makes a payment, Aldous’s fee is included in the total for the Collection Expense category on the Sales Summary by Revenue Category Report.

Aldous’s fee is also displayed as an expense in the following places:

On the reports, the fee is displayed with any Accounting Method filter applied (Accrual, Cash, or Accrual & Cash). The fee is displayed with the following information:

  • The Date column will display the date the client paid the business or Aldous.

  • The Revenue Category column will display Collection Expense.

  • The Amount, Subtotal, Total Net Sales, and Total Amount columns will display Aldous’s fee for the collected client payment. This fee will be displayed as a negative amount.

    • This amount counts against the total net sales for the period, and the total displayed in the Total Net Sales summary card reflects this.

  • Custom tax columns and the Total Taxes column will be blank.

  • The Payment Method and Payment Status columns will be blank.

  • The User column will display System.

  • The Point of Sale column will display Paid through collections.

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