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Email History Report
Email History Report
Updated over 3 months ago

To view the Email History Report, click the App Drawer button then click View All > Reports > Marketing > Email History.

The Email History Report is a marketing report that displays the details of all automated notification emails, automated marketing emails, and customized emails sent to clients during the selected date range. To view your business’s complete contact interaction history, see Contact History Report. The summary cards at the top of the page provide an overview of the key information in the report.

Note: Only 10,000 emails can be displayed at a time in this report.

Summary cards in the Email History Report

Summary cards



The total number of emails sent that weren’t opened during the selected date range.


The total number of emails sent that were opened during the selected date range.


The total number of emails that were sent but not delivered during the selected date range.


The total number of emails sent that were rejected by the client’s inbox during the selected date range.


The total number of emails that are waiting to be sent during the selected date range.


The total number of emails that have been sent during the selected date range.

Headings in the Email History Report




The type of email that was sent, such as Retention, Event Reminder, or Membership Renewal.


The date that the email was sent.

Sent by

The staff member who sent the email. If the email was automated by the system, this column will be labeled Automated.


The name, email, and profile image of the client that the email was sent to is listed in this column.

Relevant details about this client, such as pass status, waiver status, contract status, special notes, unpaid visits, and account balance will be noted here by small icons. Hover over any icon to learn more.

If a guest was sent an email notification, Guest appears in this column. You can click Guest to open their guest profile.


The status of the email. The possible statuses are:

  • Sent – The email was delivered.

  • Opened – The email was delivered and opened.

  • Unopened – The email was delivered but hasn’t been opened yet.

  • Bounced – The email failed to deliver. You can hover over a Bounced status to reveal the reason why the email bounced.

  • Scheduled – The email was scheduled through QUICK contact to be sent at a future date. Hovering over the badge will display the date and time when the email is scheduled to be sent.

  • Awaiting Send – The email is in the process of delivery. This status will change after the email has been processed.

  • Failed – The email wasn’t sent to the client. You can hover over a Failed status to reveal the reason why the email failed to send.


  • The email status shown reflects the most recent update provided by Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). This means that emails may sometimes go through multiple statuses, but only the most recent status will be shown. For example, an email may initially have a status of Bounced, but later the status is changed to Opened. In this case, the reason the email bounced will appear when you hover over the Opened status.

  • An email status may not update if the recipient is using ad-blocker plug-ins or a secure email agent. For example, an email may have a status of Unopened even if the recipient has opened the email.


If the email has a status of Bounced or Failed, the reason will be listed here.

Reasons an email may have failed or bounced include:

  • Turned Off – The client has turned off email notifications and marketing messages.

  • Wrong Client Group – The client isn’t part of the client group meant to receive that email notification.

  • Wrong Client Type – The client isn’t the client type meant to receive that email notification.

  • Locked Email – The business disabled the email notification.

  • Blacklisted Email – The client’s email address is blacklisted. For more information, see Why was my email blacklisted?

  • Unknown – The email failed to send due to unknown reasons.


Click the Resend button in this column to resend the email to the client’s associated email address.


Click the View Email button in this column to view the email that was sent. You can’t view an email that was sent to a client who has unsubscribed from marketing email messages.

Advanced filters in the Email History Report




Use this filter to filter the report by the status of emails.


Use this filter to filter the report by the reason for email statuses.


Use this filter to filter the report by the type of emails.

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