Before your location can be removed from WellnessLiving, you’ll need to prepare for the closure by:
Removing scheduled services from the location.
Reconciling any unpaid visits.
Reassigning your clients and staff members to other locations.
Caution: To avoid data loss, please don’t attempt to remove a location from your WellnessLiving account by yourself. If a location at your business closes and you want to remove it from WellnessLiving, please contact WellnessLiving support.
Remove scheduled services
To prepare for the removal of a location, you must ensure there are no services scheduled at the location being removed.
To learn how to cancel specific services, see the following articles:
Reconcile unpaid visits
After a location is removed, unpaid visits can no longer be reconciled. Before removing a location, we recommend reconciling all unpaid visits.
Reassign clients to a different location
Any clients whose home location is being removed must be reassigned to a new location in their client profile. If a client’s location hasn’t been updated when the location is removed, their home location will be changed to Unassigned.
Reassign staff members to a different location
If you want staff members from the closed location to be able to provide services at one of your business’s other locations, you’ll need to assign them to the other locations in their staff member profile.