Services, such as classes, appointments, and events, must be enabled from a staff member’s profile before the staff member can be scheduled to host those services at assigned business locations.
When appointments are enabled for a staff member, you must configure additional settings:
You must select individual appointment types for the staff member. This will determine which appointment types the staff member can provide during their working hours.
If desired, you can set daily limits for how many appointments the staff member can provide. Setting limits helps prevent your staff members from being overbooked.
If your business has more than one location, you must assign the staff member to at least one location and set their working hours before you can schedule a staff member’s services.
Set a staff member’s services
To set a staff member’s services, complete the following:
Click the App Drawer button
then click View All > Setup > Staff > Staff Members.
In the list, select the staff member whose services you want to set.
In the staff member’s profile, click Services.
Select the services you want the staff member to be able to host by setting Classes, Events, and/or Appointments to ON.
If you set Appointments to ON, select the appointment-specific settings:
If you want to set a daily limit to the number of appointments a staff member can provide, set the Limit this staff member to [number] appointments per day option to ON and enter the maximum number of appointments.
If you want to set a maximum duration of time for which the staff member can be booked into appointments each day, set the Limit this staff member to [number] hours of appointments per day option to ON and enter the maximum number of hours.
If you set both daily appointment limits to ON, the staff member will be at capacity when either of the appointment limits is reached.
Under Appointment types, select the checkbox next to each type of appointment provided by this staff member. If the staff member provides all appointments, select the Select All checkbox.
Click Save.
Allow a staff member to provide an appointment
To allow a staff member to provide an appointment, complete the following:
Click the App Drawer button
then click View All > Setup > Appointments.
In the list, select the appointment that is provided by the staff member.
In Advanced Settings, under Staff, select the checkbox to the left of the staff member’s name.
From the list to the right of the staff member’s name, select a pay rate. If no pay rates are set up for this instructor, click Setup pay rate, follow steps 6-8 in Setting a staff member’s pay rates, then return to these instructions.
Click Save. Repeat for all appointments that the staff member provides.