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FAQ: Traveler’s Mode
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Below is a list of frequently asked questions about Traveler’s Mode in WellnessLiving. If your question isn’t addressed in this article, please contact WellnessLiving Support.

Can travelers make purchases at any location?

Yes, travelers can make purchases at any location, but the purchase is tied to the location where it was made.

What happens to relationships in Traveler's Mode?

When a traveler is added to a new location, all associated family members are also added as travelers. Any changes to relationships are automatically synchronized across all locations.

Can travelers participate in rewards programs?

Travelers can only redeem rewards at the location where they are added as a client. Points are earned and tracked separately for each location.

What happens if a client has no active Purchase Options?

If a client does not have an active Purchase Option, their home location is determined based on where they were last added to the system. If they have never made a purchase or been added to a specific location, their profile will default to their initial registration location.

Do travelers receive welcome emails when added to a location?

Yes, travelers receive a welcome email when added to a new location. This ensures a seamless and non-disruptive client experience.

Can staff view payment details for Enterprise clients?

No, billing and payment details are hidden for Enterprise clients. These details are visible only for travelers at the specific location where they are added as clients.

Can I promote a traveler’s belt rank at my location?

Yes, belts for traveler clients can be edited or promoted. However, belt promotions are specific to the location where the client is being managed, and history is synchronized across all locations.

Can tasks be assigned to travelers?

Yes, staff can assign tasks to traveler clients as long as they have the appropriate permissions. Tasks are synchronized across all locations, and updates to task status are reflected globally.

What happens to forms completed at other locations?

Forms completed at other locations are viewable under the client’s profile, provided the staff member has permission to view forms for all clients. New forms can also be associated with travelers at the location where they are added.

Can I deactivate a traveler at my location?

Yes, a traveler can be deactivated at a specific location without affecting their profile at other locations.

How are waivers managed for travelers?

Waivers from other locations are view-only. However, when a traveler is added to a new location, a waiver is generated automatically based on the waiver rules for that location.

What happens if a staff member updates a traveler’s profile?

Any changes made to a traveler’s profile (e.g., name, contact details, relationships) are synchronized across all locations where they are active.

What if an Enterprise client has duplicate profiles?

Duplicate profiles can be merged, but only by staff at the client’s home location. Merging is restricted for traveler profiles unless permission is granted by the home location.

How are visits managed for Enterprise clients and travelers?

For Enterprise clients and travelers, visits made at other locations can be viewed.

How do notification preferences work in Traveler's Mode?

Notification preferences are location-specific for travelers. For Enterprise clients, notifications are view-only and cannot be edited unless the client is added to a location as a traveler.

Can HQ update a client’s home location if needed?

Yes, HQ administrators have the ability to manually change a client’s home location. Here’s how this works:

  1. When HQ updates the home location, the client automatically becomes a traveler in their previous home location and a permanent client in the new home location.

  2. This update is reflected in the edit logs across all associated locations (original home location, new home location, and any locations where the client is a traveler).


  • If a client’s home location is Enterprise Location A but HQ updates it to Enterprise Location B, the client becomes a traveler in Enterprise Location A and a permanent client in Enterprise Location B.

What happens when Traveler’s Mode is turned off?

Travelers are converted into permanent clients at the locations where they were added.

Enterprise clients are no longer searchable outside their home location.

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