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Royalties & Fees by Location Report (Enterprise)
Royalties & Fees by Location Report (Enterprise)
Updated over a month ago

To access the Royalties and Fees by Location Report, click the App Drawer button then click View All > Reports > Enterprise > Royalties & Fees by Location.

Note: This report is only available to:

  • Staff members with the View Enterprise Sales Report staff role permission

  • Staff members at Enterprise Headquarters that processes transactions with a specific processor

    Staff members at Enterprise Headquarters that have the proper administrative permissions enabled.

If you require access to this report, contact WellnessLiving.

The Enterprise Royalties and Fees Report expands on your existing Enterprise Sales Summary by Location Report by integrating dynamic columns for each Enterprise fee you’ve set up. These columns display fee rates, collected amounts, and flag instances where minimum fees apply. Your filters and summary cards provide a comprehensive view of total fees across locations, enabling better tracking and financial oversight.

Key tips

  • The fee amounts displayed in the report are based on the selected date range and may not match the amount settled by the processor for the fee period.

View options in the Royalties and Fees by Location Report

View option


Accounting method

Determine which sales to include based on whether accrual or cash accounting methods were used.

For more information about accrual and cash accounting methods, see FAQ: Reports.

Note: Manual account debits and credits will only be displayed if Accrual or Accrual & Cash are selected and won’t affect the Net Items Sold or Total Transactions summary cards.

Summary cards in the Royalties and Fees by Location Report

Summary card


Total Net Sales

The total net sales during the selected date range, before taxes, surcharges, and tips but after any applied discounts. Failed transactions aren’t included in this total.

Manual account debits and credits won’t be included in this summary card and will only be displayed in the report if Accrual or Accrual & Cash accounting method filters are selected.

Custom/Total Taxes

The total value of taxes applied to the items sold during the selected date range. If there’s only one type of tax set up in your store settings, this summary card will be named after the tax you created. If you have two or more taxes set up in your store settings, this summary card will appear as Total Taxes.

Taxes from failed, voided, and refunded transactions aren’t included in this value.

Royalties and Fees

Each fee you’ve created has its own labeled summary card at the top of your report. The card lists the total amount charged for that fee across all locations during the selected date range.

Total Fees

The total amount charged for all fees during the selected date range.

Headings in the Royalties and Fees by Location Report



Location Name

The name of the location.


The region in which the location is located.


The subtotal amounts at the location that were included in fee calculations.


The discount amounts at the location that were included in fee calculations.


The total surcharge amounts at the location that were included in fee calculations.

This column is only displayed if you set the Surcharge setting to ON in your store settings.

Total Net Sales

The total net sales amount at the location that were included in fee calculations.


The total tax amount at the location that were included in fee calculations.

Total Tips

The tip amounts at the location that were included in fee calculations.

Total Paid

The total amount of revenue made from sales at the location after discounts, surcharges, taxes, and tips.

Account Debit

The amount charged when a client used their account as a payment method, or the amount manually charged to a client’s account balance by a staff member. Because these are charges to the client’s account, the entries in this column appear as negative amounts.

Custom Fees

Each fee you’ve created has its own labeled heading in your report.

  • Scheduled fees calculated based on a Fixed fee are shown under a single column with the total amount charged for that fee at the location.

  • Scheduled fees calculated based on a Percentage of gross sales and Per transaction fees are shown under a column showing the rate charged and a column with the total amount charged for that fee at the location.

  • When the minimum fee is charged, a badge labeled MIN appears next to the fee.

Fee Reversals

The fee reversal amount that occurred at the location. A fee reversal occurs when a transaction is processed at a Enterprise Location and routed to the Headquarters, then refunded to the client. This causes the fee to be sent back, or reversed, along with the related transaction.

Total Fees

The total amount charged for all fees at the location.

Account Credit

This column will be populated with different information depending on the related Item:

  • The amount manually added to a client’s account balance by a staff member.

  • The amount the client paid toward their account balance.

    • This information only appears when Cash or Accrual & Cash are selected for the Accounting Method filter.

  • The amount paid to Collections.

    • This information only appears when Cash or Accrual & Cash are selected for the Accounting Method filter.

  • The amount added to the client’s account balance by an account-based membership or session pass.

  • The amount refunded to the client’s account balance.

If notes were added with the payment, a notes icon will appear next to the payment method. Hover over the icon to view the content of the note.

Advanced filters in the Royalties and Fees by Location Report




Determines which sales to include based on the country in which they occurred.


Determines which sales to include based on the region in which they occurred.


Determines which sales to include based on the state or province in which they occurred.

Enterprise Location Created Purchase Options

Determines which sales to include based on whether the Purchase Option sold was created by an Enterprise Location. If you select Yes or All for this filter, selections under the Class & Event Purchase Options filter will be removed.

Enterprise Location Created Products

Determines which sales to include based on whether the product sold was created by an Enterprise Location.

Client Groups

Determines which clients to include in the report based on their client group.

Payment Status

Determines which sales to include in the report based on the payment’s current status.

Payment Method

Determines which sales to include in the report based on the payment methods used.

Revenue Categories

Determines which sales to include in the report based on the revenue categories they are classified under.

Point of Sale

Determines which sales to include based on their point of sale.


Determines which sales to include in the report based on whether the client was or was not charged taxes.

Display Sales With Discounts

Determines whether to include discounted sales in the report.

Discount Codes

Determines which sales to include in the report based on which discount codes were applied to the sale.

Class & Event Purchase Options

Determines which class/event Purchase Options to include in the report.

Class/event Purchase Options are Purchase Options with Class/Events selected as the Purchase Option Service Category.


Determines whether to include other purchases in the report.


Determines which Purchase Options to include based on whether auto-renew is on or off.


Determines which locations to include in the report.


Determines which sales to include in the report based on whether they were made with or without a deposit.


Determines which product(s) to include in the report.

Introductory Offer

Determines which sales to include in the report based on whether they were made with a specific introductory offer.

Fee Type

Use this filter to determine which royalties and fees to include in the report.

Note: This filter will not affect the columns that are shown in the report. To adjust the columns displayed, you can customize the report.

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