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Staff role permissions
Updated over a week ago

Staff role permissions give you the ability to control the level of access your staff members have to the WellnessLiving system. These permissions allow you to limit your staff members’ ability to make modifications to your business configuration or access sensitive information. Limiting staff role permissions also makes WellnessLiving easier to use for staff members, because they will only be able to see the tools and options that are relevant to them.

To modify staff role permissions, see creating or modifying a staff role.

Key tips before you begin

  • Some user interface elements won't appear to staff members who aren't granted the proper permissions. For example, the dashboard requires reporting permissions and won't appear to staff members without them.

  • When you modify staff role permissions, these changes may take up to five minutes to be applied.




Only my location

Give staff members permission to access Business, Scheduling, and Client settings only at the location assigned to them in their staff profile. Staff members with this permission selected won’t be able to change the staff role of staff members with the All locations permission.

Click Show me an example to view an example of how this setting functions.

For more information, see Setting a staff member’s locations.

All locations

Give staff members permission to access Business, Scheduling, and Client settings at all locations.

Click Show me an example to view an example of how this setting functions.

Global Control



Grant all permissions

Give staff members all permissions. Select this checkbox to automatically select and enable all other permissions. Clear this checkbox to automatically clear and disable all other permissions. Selecting this option will provide the staff members with access to all locations.




Manage business and location settings

Select this option to automatically select and enable all business management options for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all business management options for this staff role.

Edit business information

Allow staff members to modify basic information about your business, such as the business name and address. For more information, see Setting up your general information.

Edit email settings

Allow staff members to modify the basic email settings for your business. For more information, see Setting up your business email settings.

Edit SMS settings

Allow staff members to access and submit the A2P 10DLC registration form (US businesses only). For more information, see Signing up for A2P 10 DLC messaging system.

Edit available services

Allow staff members to modify which services are available at your business. For more information, see Setting up your available services.

Edit business URLs

Allow staff members to modify your business URLs, such as the URL clients use to sign up. For more information, see Business URLs

Edit business policies

Allow staff members to modify business policies such as whether clients can hold a negative balance. For more information, see Business policies.

Edit online waiver

Allow staff members to modify the online waiver and its associated policies. For more information, see Setting up your online waiver.

Manage location settings

Allow staff members to change business location settings except for the name and contact information. For more information, see Locations.

Edit location contact information

Allow staff members to change the name and contact information of business locations.

Manage enterprise locations

Allow staff members to sign in to enterprise locations without requesting permission from enterprise location owners. This permission is only available to enterprise users with corporate enterprise accounts. For more information, see Signing in to enterprise locations (corporate).

Manage business hours

Allow staff members to schedule closed days for the business. For more information, see Scheduling Closed Days.




Manage billing information

Allow staff members to add and modify the business’s billing information. Billing information must be set up before any staff member can begin to use the system. If a staff member without this permission signs in to their account before billing information is set, they won't be able to use the system and won't be able to set up the billing information. For more information, see Setting up your billing information.

Sign the service agreement

Allow staff members to sign the required service agreement on behalf of the business when they first sign in so that all staff members can begin using WellnessLiving. If a staff member without this permission signs into their account before the business has signed the service agreement, they won't be able to use the system and won't be able to sign.




Manage Look and Feel

Allow staff members to modify the look and feel settings to change how WellnessLiving appears to clients and staff members. For more information, see Customizing the look and feel of WellnessLiving.

Manage widgets

Allow staff members to view and modify website widgets. Select this option to automatically select and enable all website widget options for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all website widget options for this staff role. For more information, see Widgets.

Your website widget options are:

  • View widgets — Allow staff members to view website widgets.

  • Edit widgets — Allow staff members to modify website widgets.

Manage Achieve Client App

Allow staff members to manage settings for the Achieve Client App, such as changing the subscription plan and customizing the app.

Manage Presence

Allow staff members to view and enroll in Presence.

Manage Partner Program

Allow staff members to view the Share Your Partner Program URL page and perform all the actions available there. Staff members with this permission will also receive email notifications when a new customer signs up using your promo code or credits you as the referrer, or when a referral completes three months of active subscription on a Business or Enterprise plan.

View edit log

Allow staff members to view the edit log.

View alert messages

Allow staff members to see alert banners from WellnessLiving when they sign in to their account. Alert banners are displayed when there's a promotion or software update from WellnessLiving.

Access WellnessLiving Academy

Allow staff members to access WellnessLiving training resources.




Manage dashboard

Select this option to automatically select and enable all dashboard options for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all dashboard permissions for this staff role.

Edit Dashboards

Allow staff members to edit dashboards.

Delete Dashboards

Allow staff members to delete dashboards.

Share Dashboards

Allow staff members to share dashboards with other staff members.




Manage staff

Select this option to automatically select and enable all staff management options for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all staff management options for this staff role.

Manage my staff profile

Allow staff members to view and modify their own staff profiles.

Manage staff profiles

Allow staff members to add, modify, and remove other staff members’ profiles. This permission also allows staff members to view and modify custom fields on other staff members’ profiles. This option can only be selected if the Manage my staff profile permission was selected.

Edit staff roles

Allow staff members to modify which permissions are set for each of your business’s staff roles.

Change staff roles

This option can only be selected if you select the Manage my staff profile option. It allows staff members to change the staff roles to which staff members are assigned. If a staff member has this permission enabled, they may not be able to change other staff members' staff roles based on the locations to which each staff member has access. For example, if a staff member has access to only one of a business's locations, that staff member won't be able to change the staff role of a staff member who has access to all the business's locations, even if this permission is enabled.

Configure pay rates for staff members

Allows staff members to add, remove, and modify all staff members' pay rates.

Modify pay rates for services

Allow staff members to update the pay rates in the Services tab of the staff profile, and to set pay rates in the appointments setup page, when scheduling new class and event sessions, and when substituting staff members for class and event sessions.

Modify pay rates for product and Purchase Options

Allow staff members to select the sales commission rate in the advanced settings for products and Purchase Options under Automatic Staff Commission. If this permission is OFF, the Automatic Staff Commission section won’t be visible.

Manage time clock

Allow staff members to modify the clock in and clock out times for all staff members. For more information, see The time clock.

Manage my time clock

This option can only be selected if the Manage time clock option isn't selected. It allows staff members to view and modify their own clock in and clock out times.

Manage staff working hours

This option can only be selected if you select the Manage my staff profile option. It allows staff members to add or modify any staff member’s available and unavailable time.




Manage availability overrides

Select this option to automatically select and enable all staff management options for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all staff management options for this staff role.

Book unavailable staff members

Allow staff members to book other staff members into services even if they are unavailable.

Book unavailable assets

Allow staff members to book assets even if the assets are unavailable.

Book services over capacity

Allow staff members to book clients into services even if the service is booked to capacity or its wait list is full.

Services and schedules



Only my schedules

Allow staff members to view only their own schedule and make changes that affect only their own schedule.

All schedules

Allow staff members to view and make changes to any schedule.


Allow staff members to view and make changes to specific schedules for each service type.

Manage services and schedules

Select this option to automatically select and enable all schedule management options for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all schedule management options for this staff role.

Manage services

Allow staff members to add, remove, and modify services.

View canceled sessions

Allow staff members to view canceled sessions on the schedule.

Schedule past services

Allow staff members to add, remove, and modify services that have already occurred.

Schedule upcoming services

Allow staff members to add, remove, and modify services that haven't yet occurred.

View attendance lists

Allow staff members to view the attendance lists for classes and events.

Book clients unpaid

Allow staff members to add clients to the attendance list of classes and events without payment and to mark paid sessions as unpaid. This permission can only be selected if the View attendance lists permission is selected.

Book clients with an unsigned waiver

Allow staff members to book clients for services even if they have not signed the required waiver. When enabled, staff can proceed with bookings regardless of the waiver status; if disabled, staff will be restricted from booking clients without a signed waiver.

Lock search box

Select this option to display the expanded QUICK ADD search field on attendance lists by default. Clear this option to have the QUICK ADD search field appear unexpanded until it's clicked. This option can only be selected if the View attendance lists permission is selected.

  • Staff can lock or unlock the client search field under the Attendance options on an attendance list.

FitVID on Demand



Manage FitVID on Demand

Allow staff members to add, edit, or remove FitVID on Demand videos.

Manage FitVID on Demand categories

Allow staff members to add, edit, or remove video categories.




Manage FitLIVE

Allow staff members to set up and modify FitLIVE integration.

Online Store



Manage the store

Select this option to automatically select and enable all store options for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all store options for this staff role.

Manage purchase options

Allow staff members to add, remove, and modify all settings of Purchase Options. When this permission is deselected, the permission below is automatically enabled.

  • Configure basic purchase option settings — Allow staff members to activate and deactivate Purchase Options, as well as edit the prices and select which taxes are applicable to them.

Edit store settings

Allow staff members to modify the store settings of your business.

Manage products

Allow staff members to add, remove, and modify products.

Configure product settings

Allow staff members to modify products settings.

Manage suppliers

Allow staff members to add, remove, and modify suppliers.

Manage store categories

Allow staff members to add, remove, and modify store categories.

Manage gift cards

Allow staff members to add, remove, or modify gift cards.

Sell products and services in the store

Allow staff members to make a sale through the store. For more information, see Making a sale.

Allow staff to override staff commission at the point of sale

Allow staff members to change the default commission applied for products and Purchase Options when the Apply automatic commissions for products and Purchase Options option is set to ON in the store settings. When this option is set to OFF, staff members with this permission can select or change the staff member that will receive commission, but can’t change the default commission rate.

Edit price at the point of sale

Allow staff members to change the prices of items in the shopping cart and apply manual discounts. For more information, see Applying a manual discount at checkout.

Manage discount codes

Allow staff members to add, remove, or modify the discount codes.

Perform cash closeout

Allow staff members to close a till. For more information, see Performing a cash closeout.

Edit cash closeout history

Allow staff members to edit the data of previously performed cash closeouts.

Manage deposit on Cash Closeout Report

Allow staff members to take a deposit from a cash box while performing a cash closeout.

Perform physical inventory count

Allow staff members to perform a physical inventory count to update on-hand inventory.




Manage integrations

Select this option to automatically select and enable all integration options for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all integration management options for this staff role.

Configure MailChimp settings

Allow staff members to set up and modify MailChimp integration for your business. For more information, see Mailing list integrations.

Configure Constant Contact settings

Allow staff members to set up and modify Constant Contact integration for your business. For more information, see Mailing list integrations.

Configure Autymate settings

Allow staff members to set up your QuickBooks Online account and enable synchronization with your WellnessLiving account. For more information, see Finance.

Configure Door Access settings

Allow staff members to set up and configure door access settings for your business. For more information, see Door Access powered by Brivo.

Configure Zapier settings

Allow staff members to set up Zapier integration for your business. For more information, see Zapier integration.




Manage marketing

Select this option to automatically select and enable all marketing management options for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all marketing management options for this staff role.

Manage automated marketing

Allow staff members to add, remove, and modify automated marketing campaigns and settings.

Manage client announcements

Allow staff members to add, modify, pin, and delete client announcements.

Manage client reviews

Allow staff members to respond to client reviews or mark them as inappropriate. For more information, see Managing client reviews.

Send postcards to clients

Allow staff members to send postcards to clients from their client profiles or certain reports. For more information, see Creating or modifying a direct mailing campaign.




Only my schedule

Only send notifications that relate to their own schedule to staff members who are assigned this staff role.

All schedules

Send notifications that relate to all schedules to staff members who are assigned this staff role.

Receive all notifications

Select this option to automatically select and enable all notifications for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all notifications for this staff role.

You can set notification settings individually for each staff member by overriding their staff role notification settings. For more information, see Overriding a staff member’s notifications.

Receive in-app alerts

Allow staff members to receive alerts in the Alert Center and Elevate Staff App, and make adjustments to their individual alert settings from the Setup menu.

Receive customer review notifications

Allow staff members to receive a notification when a client leaves a review for the business.

Receive Sale Has Been Made notification

Allow staff members to receive a notification when a client makes a purchase from the store or when any staff member makes a sale.

Receive all service notifications

Allow staff members to receive all class, appointment, and event notifications. Select this option to automatically select and enable all service notifications for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all service notifications for this staff role.

Receive all class notifications

Allow staff members to receive all class notifications. Select this option to automatically select and enable all class notifications for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all class notifications for this staff role.

Receive all appointment notifications

Allow staff members to receive all appointment notifications. Select this option to automatically select and enable all appointment notifications for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all appointment notifications for this staff role.

Your choices are:

  • Receive appointment booking/request notification — Send staff members a notification when a client books or requests a booking for an appointment.

  • Receive appointment change notification — Send staff members a notification when any changes are made to an appointment booking.

  • Receive appointment cancellation notification — Send staff members a notification when a client's appointment booking is canceled.

  • Note: Currently, appointment reminder notifications can't be disabled. Staff members who have the Receive all appointment notifications permission disabled will still receive the appointment reminder notification.

Receive all event notifications

Allow staff members to receive all event notifications. Select this option to automatically select and enable all event notifications for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all event notifications for this staff role. Your choices are:

  • Receive event booking notification — Send staff members a notification when a client is booked into event.

  • Receive event cancellation notification — Send staff members a notification when an event booking is canceled.

  • Receive event attendance list — Send staff members a notification that contains the attendance list for an event when the list is updated.

Receive Product Re-order Level Reached notification

Send staff members a notification when a product’s inventory reaches the set reorder level. For more information, see Product advanced settings.

Receive Client Prize Redemption notification

Send staff members a notification when a client uses their rewards points to redeem a prize.

Receive new lead notification

Send staff members a notification after a potential client enters their personal information on the Lead Capture Widget. This permission can only be selected when the View client details permission under Clients is selected.

Rewards and Contests



Manage rewards and contest

Select this option to automatically select and enable all rewards programs permissions for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all rewards programs permissions for this staff role.

Manage leaderboard

Allow staff members to create contests via the leaderboard.

Reset total points

Allow staff members to reset the accumulated rewards points for clients.

Configure points

Allow staff members to manage reward points actions. For more information, see Managing rewards points.

Configure prizes

Allow staff members to set prizes and the number of rewards points required to redeem them. For more information, see Managing a redeemable prize.




Only my clients

Allow staff members to only modify clients who are booked into that staff member's services.

Clients from my location

Allow staff members to only modify clients who have the same home location as the staff member.

All clients

Allow staff members to modify all clients.

Manage clients

Select this option to automatically select and enable all client management permissions for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all client management permissions for this staff role.

Manage client profiles

Allow staff members to add, remove, and modify clients. For more information, see Client profile.

View client details

Allow staff members to view client information throughout WellnessLiving, except for client profiles, which require the Manage client profiles permission to view.

View client’s upcoming and past schedule

Allows staff members to view the upcoming schedule and attendance history in the client profile.

View past purchases

Allow staff members to view clients' past purchases in WellnessLiving.

  • Note: Staff members must also be assigned the View sales reports permission to view past purchases.

View service add-ons

Allow staff members to view prepaid service add-on purchases on client profiles.

View passes and memberships

Allow staff members to view the passes and memberships section of client profiles.

Edit passes and memberships

Allow staff members to modify passes and memberships that clients own.

Override late cancel and no-show fees

Allow staff members to override late cancel and no-show fees charged to a client.

Refund transactions

Allow staff members to process refunds for client purchases.

Manage billing and account balance

Allow staff members to view and modify the billing and account balance section on client profiles, as well as process transactions with a client’s credit card.

View transaction details

Allow staff members to view detailed information about client transactions. For more information, see Viewing a client's transactions page.

  • Note: Staff members must also be assigned the View sales reports permission to view transaction details.[end]

Manage notes

Allow staff members to add and modify notes on client profiles.

Flag clients

Allow staff members to flag client profiles to prevent online booking.

Manage client types

Allow staff members to add, remove, and modify client types.

Create client groups

Allow staff members to create and remove client groups, and to modify group settings:

  • Group names

  • Group icons

  • Group criteria

This also allows staff members to set auto-update to ON or OFF on the Client Groups page.

Manage client group members

Manage transformation log

Allow staff members to customize the transformation log.

Edit transformation log

Allow staff members to modify client transformation logs.

View notes

Allow staff members to view notes and SOAP notes about clients.

Edit notes

Allow staff members to modify notes and SOAP notes about clients.

Send emails or SMS

Allow staff members to send emails and SMS messages to clients from client profiles, reports, and attendance lists.

Book clients outside their current paid period

Allow staff members to book services for a client when the services take place in the past, outside the date range for which the client's applicable purchase option is active, even if the business policy option Clients can only book sessions within their current paid period is set to ON.

Message Center



Manage messages

Allow staff members to access the Messages page in Message Center to view and send messages.

Manage Message Center settings

Allow staff members to access the Settings page in Message Center to modify the settings.

Manage Message Center subscriptions

Allow staff members to access the Subscription Plans page in Message Center to view the plan details and modify the selected plan for the business.

Assign conversations

Allow staff members to assign a conversation in Message Center to another staff member. This permission can only be selected if the Manage messages permission is enabled for this role.




Only my reports

Allow the staff role to only access reports that are associated with them.

All reports

Allow the staff role to access all reports.

View all reports

Select this option to automatically select and enable all report permissions for this staff role. You can further specify which report categories and reports the staff role can view.

Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all report permissions for this staff role.

  • Note: Staff roles must also be assigned this permission to view the client list.

Export and print reports

Allow the staff role to export and print reports.

View client reports

Allow the staff role to view client reports. Using the dropdown, you can specify which client reports the staff role can view.

View attendance reports

Allow the staff role to view attendance reports. Using the dropdown, you can specify which attendance reports the staff role can view.

View staff reports

Allow the staff role to view staff reports, except for the Cash Closeout Report. Using the dropdown, you can specify which staff reports the staff role can view.

To allow a staff member to view the Cash Closeout Report, select the View Cash Closeout Report staff role permission.

View sales reports

Allow the staff role to view sales reports. Using the dropdown, you can specify which sales reports the staff role can view.

View marketing reports

Allow the staff role to view all marketing reports. Using the dropdown, you can specify which email reports the staff role can view.

View Cash Closeout Report

Allow the staff role to view and modify the Cash Closeout report.

View enterprise reports

Allow the staff role to view all enterprise reports. Using the dropdown, you can specify which enterprise reports that the staff role can view.

  • Note: This permission is only available for businesses subscribed to the Enterprise Cloud.

Power Search



Manage POWER searches

Select this option to automatically select and enable all Power Search permissions for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all Power Search permissions for this staff role.

Edit POWER searches

Allow staff members to edit Power Searches.

Delete POWER searches

Allow staff members to delete Power Searches.

Share POWER searches

Allow staff members to share Power Searches with other staff members.

Task Management



Only my tasks

Allow staff members to only modify tasks that are assigned to them.

All tasks

Allow staff members to modify tasks assigned to any staff member.

Manage tasks and contact logs

Select this option to automatically select and enable all task management permissions for this staff role. Clear this option to automatically clear and disable all task management permissions for this staff role.

Manage contact logs

Allow staff members to view and edit clients’ contact logs (for example, the body of an email).

Add tasks

Allow staff members to add tasks.

Edit tasks

Allow staff members to edit existing tasks.




Only my clients

Allow staff members to only view or complete forms for clients who are booked into services they manage.

Clients from my location

Allow staff members to only view or complete forms for clients who have the same home location as the staff member.

All clients

Allow staff members to view or complete forms for all clients.

Manage forms

Allow staff members to add, edit, and delete forms.

View responses

Allow staff members to view form responses.

Complete forms

Allow staff members to complete forms on behalf of clients.

Amend completed form responses

Allow staff members to make amendments to client responses on completed forms.

This permission can be set up to apply to:

  • Only my clients – Clients booked into services the staff member manages.

  • Clients from my location – Clients who have the same home location as the staff member.

  • All clients – All clients at your business.

Delete form responses

Allow staff members to make amendments to client responses on completed forms.

This permission can be set up to apply to:

  • Only my clients – Clients booked into services the staff member manages.

  • Clients from my location – Clients who have the same home location as the staff member.

  • All clients – All clients at your business.




Manage FitBUILDER workouts

Allow staff members to add, modify, and delete movements, circuits, and workouts.

Assign workouts to services and manage WOD

Allow staff members to assign workouts of the day (WODs) and to determine how they are shown to clients.

Manage FitBUILDER subscription

Manage leaderboard

Allow staff members to view and manage the FitBUILDER leaderboard.

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