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Enterprise reports
Updated over a month ago

Enterprise reports can be used to view and compare metrics across your enterprise locations. These reports are only available to Enterprise Cloud customers. For information about other report types, see Reports.



Displays the business hours for each Enterprise Location.

Displays the details of cross-location visits occurring during the selected date range.

Displays a summary of cross-location visits occurring during the selected date range, sorted by home location and location visited.

Displays the profile details of all clients who registered at your Enterprise Headquarters during the selected date range, such as contact information, client IDs, home location, and more.

Displays a summary of each Enterprise Location’s performance during the selected date range, including the client count for each client type, average attendance, cancellations, lost members, and more.

Displays a list of purchased and redeemed gift cards in each Enterprise Location during the selected date range.

Displays a list of leads added manually or captured using the Lead Capture Widget and lead capture automated marketing campaigns at each Enterprise Location during the selected date range.

Displays the details of client memberships that are active, on hold, expired, canceled, or converted at each Enterprise Location during the selected date range.

Displays a summary of client memberships that are active, on hold, expired, canceled, or converted at each Enterprise Location during the selected date range.

Displays a detailed list of client reimbursements, organized by each Enterprise Location.

Displays a summary of reimbursements for each Enterprise Location.

Displays detailed information about royalties and fees incurred by Enterprise Locations.

Displays a list of sales made at each Enterprise Location during the selected date range.

Displays a summary of sales made at each Enterprise Location during the selected date range.

Displays a year-over-year (YOY) comparison of sales revenue in each Enterprise Location. Both the total sales revenue for the year, as well as monthly sales revenue, are displayed for up to four years at a time.

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