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Automated notifications
Updated over 10 months ago

To access automated notifications, click the App Drawer then click Setup > Notifications > Client Notifications or Staff Notifications.

Understanding automated notifications

Automated notifications are like friendly messengers that WellnessLiving sends automatically whenever something important happens with your clients, past clients, prospective clients, or staff members. These messages keep everyone in the loop and help you stay connected.

Automated notifications are mostly for transactional notifications. Think, booking reminders or purchase receipts. If you are looking to automate your marketing check out our Marketing Suite!

Automated notifications are split into two different categories:

Each notification comes with a description that outlines how and when its sent, and you can choose to send them through email, SMS, or push notifications. You can even edit the templates to make them more personal. Please note that some notification types might not support SMS or push notifications.

What you can do with automated notifications

  • Set Do Not Disturb periods to avoid sending messages to clients when they might not appreciate it. (Video)

  • Use email variables to customize notifications. (Video)

  • Copy yourself on notifications. (Video)

  • Enable email, SMS or in-app push for notifications. (Video)

  • Customize the look of your notifications using the visual editor. (Video)

  • Customize send rules in notification templates. (Video)

Key tips

  • Communication Preferences

    • Clients can unsubscribe from most notifications. There are a few this doesn’t apply to. Check Notification categories in Changing a client’s notification settings for more info.

      • Clients can easily opt-out of SMS messages by texting STOP, STOPALL, UNSUBSCRIBE, CANCEL, END, or QUIT. To get back in the loop, they just need to reply with START, YES, or UNSTOP.

    • Easily check if clients have opted into notifications. (Video)

    • In-app push notifications are only available on the Achieve White Label App.

  • SMS Messages

    • Automated SMS messages are available in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., and Australia.

      • If you’re in Australia, they cost $0.09 USD per message.

      • U.S., Canada, or U.K. users can also enjoy WellnessLiving’s Message Center for 2-way SMS messaging. Some plans even offer this at no extra cost.

  • Service-specific custom notifications

    • Generic automated notifications, such as confirmation and reminder notifications, can be customized for your individual services to fit your business needs.

    • This feature isn’t currently available for all accounts.

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