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Store settings
Updated over 2 weeks ago

You can configure the settings for your store through your store settings page. These settings will be applied to all transactions at your location. The table below provides an explanation of how each setting works.




The currency that your business uses. You can change the currency settings under the general information section of your business settings. For more information, see Setting currency and tax values for your business.


Determine how your store functions at different locations. Three options are available:

  • Require staff members to select a location at checkout – If this option is set to ON, staff members are required to select a location when making a sale by using the By default [location] is selected setting. The location a sale is assigned to will affect your sales reports. If this option is set to OFF, when staff members make a sale, the sale will automatically be assigned to the client’s home location.

  • Require clients to select a location at checkout – If this option is set to ON, a client is required to select a location when making a purchase. A client may select a location that they don’t attend. When a location is selected, the sale is attributed to that location. This is reflected in your sales reports. When a client selects a location, the store only displays Purchase Options that are applicable to that specific location. If this option is set to OFF, any sale is automatically attributed to the client’s home location. If the client doesn’t have a home location, they’ll need to select a location at checkout.

  • Display all purchase options regardless of selected location – If this option is set to ON, all Purchase Options will always be displayed in the store, even when they’re not assigned to the selected location. For example, if a client is visiting Location A and wants to buy a Purchase Option that is only applicable to Appointments at Location B, enabling this option will allow the client to make this purchase.


The taxes that can be applied to sales at your business. You can create and customize tax options from here. For more information, see Setting currency and tax values for your business.

Taxes applied to a purchase appear on your receipts under the subtotal.

Apply Taxes To

Determines which items at your business have taxes applied to them when they’re sold. Options that are set to ON will be taxed. Options that are set to OFF won’t be taxed. Your options are Products, Purchase Options, and Services.

Payment Methods

All payment methods that are set up at your business.

The color of the listed payment method indicates whether the payment method is a default or custom payment method and whether the payment method is active in the system:

  • Default payment methods that are enabled are listed in blue.

  • Custom payment methods that are enabled are listed in green.

  • All payment methods that are disabled are listed in gray.

You can enable or disable payment methods, create new payment methods, or customize existing payment methods from here. For more information, see Payment methods.

Accepted Credit Cards

Determines which credit cards can be used at your business. Card types that are set to ON can be used. Card types that are set to OFF can’t be used.

  • Caution: Imported credit cards may not follow business rules in your store settings.


Determines whether clients will be required to pay a surcharge amount whenever they use a credit card or an ACH account to make a purchase in your store or to pay a recurring auto-payment.

To require that clients pay a surcharge, set this option to ON. You’ll then need to enter the surcharge amount as well as whether the surcharge will be a dollar amount or a percentage of the total sale in the fields provided.

Surcharges applied to a purchase appear on your receipts under the subtotal.

Changes made to this setting won’t apply to previously purchased items, only to items sold after the changes are made. Previously sold items must be resold to apply surcharge changes.

Discount Codes

Determines whether your business’s discount codes are available when a staff member makes a sale in the store.

When the Display discount codes during staff checkout option is set to ON, staff members can select your active discount codes from a dropdown list in the DISCOUNT CODE field. When set to OFF, staff members must input discount codes manually. For more information, see Applying a discount code at checkout.


Determines whether tips can be given to staff members when checking out a client from the store or the Elevate Staff App. For more information, see Setting up tips for staff members. You have the following options:

  • Accept gratuity at checkout – To allow tips to be added to a client’s purchase during checkout, set this option to ON. If your business uses a chip and PIN terminal, this option must be set to ON for the tip prompt to appear on your terminal.

  • Set up predefined gratuity – To set predefined tip percentages that can quickly be selected during checkout when using the Elevate Staff App, set this option to ON, and enter the predefined tips percentages.

  • Display “No Tip” option – To allow a “No Tip” button to be available during checkout when using the Elevate Staff App, set this option to ON.

  • Client needs to sign after selecting the tip – If clients are required to sign for tips during checkout, set this option to ON.

Staff Commission

Determines whether staff can receive commissions from store sales.

To allow staff members to manually apply commissions at checkout, set the Allow staff members to manually apply commissions at checkout option to ON.

To allow commissions to be applied automatically whenever an item is added to a client’s cart, set the Apply automatic commissions for products and Purchase Options option to ON.

Auto-Payment Rule

Determines how auto-payments are applied to clients who have auto-payments set up. Two options are available:

  • A client’s positive account balance will be used for scheduled auto-payments prior to charging a stored credit card or ACH account – If this option is set to ON, the client’s account balance is charged for auto-payments. If a client doesn’t have a positive account balance, their stored credit card or ACH account will be charged.

  • Combine payments for clients that pay on behalf of other clients in a single payment – If this option is set to ON, client auto-payments for each payment period are combined into one payment when their client profile is set up to make payments on behalf of their family members.

Save Banking and Credit Card Information

Determines how credit cards and other banking information are added to the client profile. The following options are available:

  • Automatically save a client’s banking and credit card information when a staff member makes a sale

    • If this option is set to ON, the Save Payment to Client Profile option is automatically set to ON during checkout. This applies to payments made via Verifone terminals, USB swiper, and virtual terminal payment methods.

    • If this option is set to OFF, the Save Payment to Client Profile option is automatically set to OFF during checkout.

  • Clients can choose whether to save their banking and credit card information during checkout.

    • If this option is set to ON, the Save payment method for future purchases option will appear and be enabled when a client makes a purchase with a new credit card in the Client Web App.

    • If this setting is OFF, the client banking and credit card information is saved automatically during checkout.

  • Require clients to add a credit card to their profile to register – If this option is set to ON, clients are required to add a credit card to their profile when they register with your business.

    • If this option is set to ON and there is an existing client with no credit card saved to their profile, the client will be prompted to add this information to their profile when they sign in.

    • If this option is set to ON, the Require clients to add a credit card to their profile to book services option is automatically set to ON. If you want to set this option to OFF, then you must first set the Require clients to add credit card to their profile to register option to OFF.

  • Require clients to add a credit card to their profile to book services – If this option is set to ON, clients without credit card information are required to add a credit card to their profile when they attempt to book a service from the Client Web App or the Achieve Client App.

    • If this setting is set to ON and clients go to the Book Now tab on the Client Web App, a Missing Billing Information pop-up message is displayed, and clients will need to add their billing information before they can book a service.

    • If clients close the popup message, they can reopen it by attempting to book a service again.

    • Clients who book services from third-party platforms such as ClassPass, Wellhub, and Reserve with Google can complete their booking without entering their credit card information in their client profile.

Client Account Payments

Options related to a client’s account balance. The following options are available:

  • Allow clients to make payments towards their account balance

    • If this option is set to ON, your clients can make online payments to their account balance from the Client Web App and the Achieve Client App.

    • If this option is set to OFF, your clients can’t make online payments to their account balance. Only staff members with the Manage client billing and account balance staff role permission can adjust a client’s account balance.

      • Even when this option is set to OFF, clients can make a payment to their account balance by clicking Pay now when they receive an alert for a balance owing in the Client Web App.

  • Automatically charge clients with a negative account balance on [the 1st of each month/the 15th of each month/a specific day of the week]

    • If this option is set to ON, clients with a negative account balance will automatically have the amount they owe charged to their default payment method on the day you’ve selected. When a client with a negative account balance is automatically charged, they’ll be sent the Automatic Payment Success or Automatic Payment Failed client notifications depending on whether the payment was successful.

    • If you select a specific day of the week, you must choose the day of the week on which you want to charge clients.

      • When this option is set to ON, an alert message will appear on the Billing & Account Balance page of any client with a negative account balance to remind staff members when the client will be charged.

      • If this transaction fails, the system will reattempt the transaction according to the settings under Automatic Payments in your business policies. If you have the policy Reattempt failed auto-payments [number] times before charging the client’s account balance set to OFF, the client’s account balance will be debited by the amount they owe and then credited by the same amount.

      • If a client doesn’t have a payment method saved on their client profile, their account balance will be debited by the amount they owe and then credited by the same amount. To learn how to add a custom payment method to a client’s account, see Managing custom payment methods.

Note: If a client has multiple auto-payments applied to the same credit card on the same date, the payments will be consolidated and charged to the credit card as a single transaction.

Guest Purchases

Determines what items guests can purchase through the Client Web App. The following options are available:

  • Allow guests to purchase products – Set this option to ON to allow guests to purchase products through the Client Web App.

  • Allow guests to purchase gift cards – Set this option to ON to allow guests to purchase gift cards through the Client Web App.

Note: Guests can only visit the Client Web App and complete a purchase if your business has set up a virtual terminal, ACH payment methods, or a custom payment method that can be used in the online store.

Product Purchase Settings

Determines whether products should be stored or banked for future use by clients as prepaid service add-ons.

For example, if a client purchases 10 Botox treatments, the treatments are added to their profile and tracked as they use them.

To store products on client profiles and track their use, set Track product purchases and their usage as service add-ons over time to ON.

Batch Reconciliation Report

The options in this section allow you to set a cutoff time for your Batch Reconciliation Report and determine which ID numbers are used for your transaction batches. The following options are available:

  • Report cutoff time – Set a cutoff time for your batch reconciliation. When this matches your merchant processor’s cutoff time for transaction batches, the accuracy of your Batch Reconciliation Report is greatly increased.

  • Synchronize batch number from merchant processor – When this option is set to ON, the batch number generated by your merchant processor will be used for your transactions. When this option is set to OFF, your transaction batches will be numbered in sequential order (00001, 00002, and so on). The batch number for a transaction is displayed on the All Sales Report and the Batch Reconciliation Report. This option isn’t available if your merchant processor is QuickPay.


Determines the customization options for your receipts. The following options are available:

  • RECEIPT TEXT – Any text entered here will appear on all sales receipts that are issued to the customers when the staff member processes a sale on behalf of the client at the point of sale. The custom text is limited to a maximum of 9934 characters.

  • Add custom receipt notes at checkout – If this option is set to ON, you can add a custom note to the email sales receipt of a transaction during store checkout.

    • The custom note is limited to 250 characters.

    • If you want the custom note to appear on your email receipts, you must enable the Sales Receipt email notification and add the custom text email variable: [ReceiptNotes] to the Sales Receipt email template. For more information, see Email variables.

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