This article describes the options available when creating or modifying a workout.
Note: You must be subscribed to FitBUILDER to access workouts.
General information
Setting | Description |
Workout Name | The name of the entire workout. |
Tags | Select or enter tags to make searching for the workout easier. |
Section details
Setting | Description |
Name | The name of the section that makes up this part of the workout. Ex. Warmup |
Description | A description of the section. Use the text editor’s advanced settings to format your text’s style and color to make each workout stand out. |
Movements and circuits | Select one or more movements and/or circuits that clients must perform to complete the section. |
Sets & scoring
Setting | Description |
Number of sets | The number and type of sets clients must perform to complete a set of the section and to increase their standing on the leaderboard.
This setting affects the timer if you select the Sync timer to sets option.
This setting works in tandem with the Advanced scoring options setting to determine leaderboard metrics. |
Advanced scoring options | Determines how scores for the FitBUILDER leaderboard are calculated based on completion of the section. This option will automatically adjust based on your selection under Number of sets. We recommend using the default selection. |
Timer details
Setting | Description |
Sync timer to sets | If you select this option, rounds of the timer will be calculated based on your selection under Number of sets. For example, if you have a 2 minute with 2 Repetitions, the timer will count one minute for each repetition. |
Timer | Determines how the timer will appear and behave when performing the section.
Select one of the timers you’ve created or select Custom Session Timer to create a new one.
If you choose Custom Session Timer, complete the following:
Additional details
Setting | Description |
Add Required Equipment | Click this option, then enter information about any required equipment for the section. |
Add Coach’s notes | Click this option, then enter any important information from coaches or other staff members. |
Add Athlete’s notes | Click this option, then enter any important information from athletes or other clients. |