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SMS variables
Updated over 8 months ago

SMS variables can be used in your automated notifications and automated marketing campaigns to add customized details to your message. All variables are enclosed within square brackets to distinguish them from regular text. These variables also apply to push notifications.

For example, when you send a client the Purchase Receipt SMS notification, the variables [PurchaseItem], [Purchase], [DateDaySms], and [PayMethod] are included by default. The template will replace each of these variables with real information when the notification is generated, creating a customized SMS message.

SMS messages and push notifications have certain character limitations. For more information, see SMS character limitations.

Each automated marketing campaign type has its own SMS variables. For more information, see Automated marketing campaign types.

You can also send customized emails by using email variables. For more information, see Email variables.

Key tips before you begin

  • An SMS variable won't load properly if any additional text, HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code is placed inside of the square brackets of the variable.

  • If an SMS fails to send for any reason, the variables in the SMS might not populate the client’s information properly. If this occurs, the variable names in square brackets will be displayed.

Variables applicable to all SMS types




The date in the following format: May 15th, 2015.


The date in the following format: 2015/05/15.


The day of the week the SMS is sent on. For example, Monday.


The first name of the SMS recipient.


The first and last name of the SMS recipient.


The last name of the SMS recipient.


A link clients can click to unsubscribe from your business’s notifications.

Variables applicable to specific SMS types




Generates a list of add-ons purchased for an appointment. Used in appointment notifications.


The reason entered by the staff member when canceling an appointment booking. This variable can be used in the Appointment Canceled By Staff and Recurrent Appointment Canceled by Staff client notifications.


The date of the service.


The date range during which the session is available.


The time of the service.


The time of the service formatted for SMS.


The number of days, months, or years since the client last booked or checked in.


The duration or length of time of the service.


The time units (days, months, or years) for the [Delay] variable. For example, if you want to write 5 months, you can enter the number 5 in the [Delay] variable and the word months in the [DurationDelay] variable.


The end date of the service.


The expiration date of the session pass or membership.


The location name for the specific location referred to in the SMS.


The location address for the specific location referred to in the SMS.


The city that the specific location referred to in the SMS is within.


The country that the specific location referred to in the SMS is within.


The postal code for the specific location referred to in the SMS.


The state or province that the specific location referred to in the SMS message is within.


The Purchase Option used to book the service.


A link that clients can click to view a video of the recorded session.


The room in which the service will be held.


The name of the sender.


The name of the service associated with the SMS.


The type of the service.


Any special instructions associated with the service.


The name of the staff member associated with the service.


The start date of the service.


The link to start booking process.


A link that clients can click to cancel the service.


A link that clients can click to confirm the service.


The day of the week when the service will take place.

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