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Booking Source Report
Booking Source Report
Updated over a week ago

To access the Booking Source Report, click the App Drawer button then click View All > Reports > Attendance > Booking Source.

The Booking Source Report is an attendance report that displays details such as date, time, location, and staff member about online bookings made by clients at your business during the selected date range. This report can be used to gain an overview of the booking trends for your services. The summary cards at the top of the page provide an overview of the key information in the report.

Summary cards in the Booking Source Report

Summary card


Total Bookings

The total number of online bookings made at your business during the selected date range.


The number of online bookings made at your business through ClassPass during the selected date range.


The number of online bookings made at your business through an email notification during the selected date range.


The number of online bookings made at your business through Facebook during the selected date range.


The number of online bookings made at your business through Google during the selected date range.

Reserve with Google

The number of online bookings made at your business through Google via Reserve with Google during the selected date range.


The number of online bookings made at your business through Wellhub during the selected date range.

Data import

The number of online bookings that were made at your business through another software, then imported into WellnessLiving during the selected date range.

WellnessLiving Explorer

The number of online bookings made at your business through your WellnessLiving Explorer listing during the selected date range.

Presence Website

The number of online bookings made at your business through your Presence custom website during the selected date range.

Elevate Staff App

The number of online bookings made at your business through the Elevate Staff App during the selected date range.

Achieve Client App

The number of online bookings made at your business through the Achieve Client App during the selected date range.


The number of online bookings made at your business through an unknown source.

Attendance Kiosk

The number of online bookings made at your business through the Attendance Kiosk during the selected date range.

Check-In Kiosk

The number of online bookings made at your business through the Self Check-In Kiosk during the selected date range.

Staff Back Office

The number of online bookings made at your business through the Staff Back Office during the selected date range.

Client Web App

The number of online bookings made at your business through the Client Web App during the selected date range.

Website Widget

The number of online bookings made at your business through one of your widgets during the selected date range.

Headings in the Booking Source Report




The client who was booked into the service.

Relevant client details like pass status, waiver status, contract status, special notes, unpaid visits, and account balance will be indicated by small icons. Hover over any icon to learn more.


The name, time, and date of the service, as well as the staff member conducting the service.


The location of the service.

Booking Source

How the client was booked into the service. Possible sources are:

  • Achieve Client App – The booking was made through the Achieve Client App.

  • Attendance Kiosk – The booking was made through the Attendance Kiosk.

  • Check-In Kiosk – The booking was made through the Self Check-In Kiosk.

  • ClassPass – The booking was made through ClassPass.

  • Client Web App – The booking was made through the Client Web App.

  • Data Import – The booking was made in another software, then imported to WellnessLiving.

  • Elevate Staff App – The booking was made through the Elevate Staff App.

  • Email – The booking was made through an email notification.

  • Facebook – The booking was made through Facebook.

  • Google – The booking was made through Google.

  • Wellhub – The booking was made through Wellhub.

  • Presence Website – The booking was made through your Presence custom website.

  • Reserve with Google – The booking was made through Google via Reserve with Google.

  • Staff Back Office – The booking was made through the Staff Back Office.

  • Undefined – The booking was made through an unknown source.

  • Website Widget – The booking was made through a widget.

  • WellnessLiving Explorer – The booking was made through your WellnessLiving Explorer listing.

Booking Date

The date the booking was made.

Booked By

The client or staff member who made the booking.

If one of the client’s relationships booked the session for the client, the relationship type will be displayed next to their name.

Advanced filters in the Booking Source Report



Bookable Assets

Use this filter to determine which Book-a-Spot assets to include in the report.

Client Types

Use this filter to determine which clients to include in the report based on their client type.


Use this filter to determine which staff members to include in the report.


Use this filter to determine which locations to include in the report.

Start Time Range

Use this filter to determine which to include in the report based on the specific time range during which they occurred.

Day of the Week

Use this filter to determine which to include in this report based on the day(s) of the week they occurred.


Use this filter to determine which classes to include in the report.


Use this filter to determine which events to include in the report.


Use this filter to determine which appointment types to include in the report.

Client Status

Use this filter to determine which clients to include in the report based on whether they currently have an active Purchase Option.

Client Groups

Use this filter to determine which clients to include in the report based on their client group.

Booking Source

Use this filter to determine which clients to include in the report based on the source of the booking.

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