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Staff reports
Updated over 6 months ago

To access Staff reports, click the App Drawer button , then click View All > Reports > Staff.

Staff reports can be used to access your payroll options and analyze the performance of your staff members. These reports can be filtered using advanced filters as needed. For information about other report types, see Reports.

Report types in staff reports



Displays a list of staff members and a summary of the client attendance for their services during the selected date range.

Displays a list of staff members and the average number of clients who attended their services during the selected date range.

Displays a list of staff members who completed cash closeouts for your business during the selected date range.

Displays a list of staff members and their client retention rates during the selected date range. A retained client is a client who made their first visit to your business and revisited again within the retention period.

Displays payroll details for your staff members during the selected date range.

Displays a summary of staff member payrolls during the selected date range, such as the number of services booked by clients and the total amount of payments, tips, and commissions received.

Displays the time clock activities and associated pay rates for staff members during the selected date range.

Displays a summary of your staff members’ time clock activities and pay rates during the selected date range.

Displays the tips earned by staff members and the associated client purchases during the selected date range.

Displays a summary of tips earned by staff members and the associated client purchases during the selected date range.

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