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Collection Resolution through Direct Payment Report
Collection Resolution through Direct Payment Report
Updated over 2 months ago

To view the Collection Resolution through Agency Report, click the App Drawer then click View All > Reports > Clients > Collection Resolution through Direct Payment.

The Collection Resolution through Direct Payment Report is a client report that displays a list of clients who were removed from collections because they have already made a payment directly to your business during the selected range. This list is sent to Aldous & Associates daily. This report is only available for businesses that have signed up for Collections.

Note: If a client pays off their overdue balance but later accumulates a new negative balance, a new overdue record is created, which may result in multiple records for the same client in the report.

Summary cards in the Collection Resolution through Direct Payment Report

Summary card


Total Accounts

The total number of overdue account records that clients made payments toward.

Fully Paid Accounts

The total number of overdue account records that clients paid for in full during the selected date range.

Partially Paid Accounts

The total number of overdue account records that clients made partial payments towards during the selected date range.

Total Amount Paid

The total amount paid by clients to your business during the selected date range.

Headings in the Collection Resolution through Direct Payment Report



Payment Date

The date that the client made a payment towards their overdue account balance.


The business name of the client’s home location. This column will only be displayed if your business has more than one location.

Client UID

The client ID of the client.


The full name of the client. You can navigate to the client’s profile by clicking the link in their name.

Amount Paid

The amount paid by the client.

Payment Method

The payment method used for the payment.


The client’s collections status, based on the amount of their overdue balance they’ve already paid. Possible statuses are:

  • Partially Paid – The client paid part of the amount reported to Aldous.

  • Fully Paid – The client paid the full amount reported to Aldous.

Advanced filters in the Collection Resolution through Direct Payment Report



Client Groups

Determines which clients to include in the report based on their client group.

Client Types

Determines which clients to include in the report based on their client type.


Determines which locations to include in the report.

Payment Method

Determines which overdue account records to include in the report based on the payment methods used by the client on the Client Portal or by a staff member on the client’s profile.

Account Status

Determines which overdue account records to include in the report, based on how much of the overdue balance your clients have already paid.

Possible statuses are:

  • Select All – Selects all statuses.

  • Fully Paid – The amount reported to Aldous on the overdue account record has been fully paid by the client.

  • Partially Paid – The amount reported to Aldous on the overdue account record has been partially paid by the client.

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