Collections is a paid add-on that helps businesses with U.S. locations manage overdue client payments efficiently through an integration with Aldous and Associates, a law firm specializing in payment recovery. It’s a valuable tool for tracking, managing, and recovering outstanding balances, to ensure your business maintains a healthy cash flow.
The Collections add-on automates the process of recovering overdue payments by sending a monthly report to Aldous & Associates, listing clients with payments overdue beyond your business's grace period. Clients are then contacted by Aldous and can make their payments either through Aldous or directly via WellnessLiving.
When a client is sent to collections, an alert is added to their profile, they are flagged to restrict bookings and purchases, memberships are deactivated, and auto-renewal and auto-conversion for passes and packages is turned off.
This article provides an overview of how to access and use the Collections add-on, manage client payment statuses, detailed explanations of the four reports that relate to Collections and viewing collection payments and expenses in sales reports
Get started with Collections
Before activating the add-on, review your current overdue balances and business policies to ensure the Collections add-on fits seamlessly into your workflow.
To add Collections to your WellnessLiving subscription, follow these steps:
Click the App Drawer
>View All > Collections.
If your business is not located in the U.S., this add-on will not appear.
On the Collections page, click Get Started.
Review the information about the add-on and its benefits. Pricing details can be found at the bottom of the page.
Once activated, an email will be sent to Aldous and Associates. They will contact you within three business days to complete the onboarding process.
From there, you’ll work with Aldous and Associates to finalize your setup.
After you’ve finished the onboarding process, your Collections page will update with four reports:
Balance Due Report
Clients in Collections Report
Collection Resolution Through Direct Payment Report
Collection Resolution Through Agency Report
Optimize Your Client Settings & Business Policies
Building trust and keeping your clients happy is key to running a successful business. By fine-tuning your settings and policies, you can ensure smooth operations and help avoid issues like unnecessary collections for small balances.
Ensure Client Profiles Meet Collections Requirements
For Collections to work, it’s mandatory that client profiles include their address, city, ZIP code, and date of birth. Without this information, collections cannot proceed. To ensure these fields are always filled out, update your Client Profile Field settings to make them required when creating or editing a client profile.
Fine-Tune Your Business Policies
It’s important to note that clients with active memberships could end up in collections for small balances, like unpaid retail purchases, even if their membership fees are up to date. To avoid this, enable the Charge clients with a negative account balance setting in your Business Policies.
This automatically debits overdue balances on a set date, helping clients settle accounts before being flagged for collections and preserving positive relationships..
To enable the Charge clients with a negative account balance business policy, follow these steps:
Click on the App Drawer
> Setup > Business > then Business Policies.
Click on the Automatic Payments tab.
Then, go to the Collect Outstanding Balances section.
Toggle the Charge clients with a negative account balance option to ON.
Under Charge schedule, choose whether to apply charges on the 1st of the month or a specific day of the week.
Click Save to apply the changes.
Be sure to also review the additional settings in the Automatic Payments tab to reduce the risk of clients being sent to collections unnecessarily.
Using the Collections Reports
Collections reports provide you with essential tools to manage overdue balances effectively. These reports offer a clear overview of clients with outstanding payments, track the status of accounts sent to collections, and help you decide on next steps. By leveraging these insights, you can take strategic actions to recover payments, maintain client relationships, and ensure your business's financial health.
Balance Due Report
The Balance Due Report helps you identify overdue balances and take action. You can exempt clients with valid reasons, such as active memberships, to maintain trust and reduce cancellations. Alternatively, sending clients to collections helps recover long-overdue balances by delegating follow-ups to Aldous and Associates, balancing recovery efforts with client satisfaction.
To access the Balance Due report, follow these steps:
Click on the App Drawer
> Reports > Clients > then Balance Due.
When subscribed to the Collections add-on, the Balance Due report includes additional columns, statuses and actions to help you manage payments effectively.
Column | Description |
Future Payments | Displays any upcoming scheduled payments and failed payments of memberships. |
Collection Status | Color-coded badges indicate the current status of overdue accounts. [See status table](link to table) |
Days Past Due | Tracks how many days a payment is overdue. Partial payment resets Days Past Due to 0. |
Amount Reported | Shows the amount sent to collections for follow-up. |
Status | Definition |
Pending Collections
| The account balance has been negative beyond the grace period with no partial payment. The account is sent to Aldous for collections on the 7th of the following month if unpaid. |
Long Overdue
| The account balance has been negative past the grace period since before the Collections feature was enabled in the business. Partial payment changes the status to Past Due, resetting Days Past Due to 0. |
Past Due
| The account balance is negative. This status remains until the balance is paid or the grace period (default: 90 days) expires. Partial payment resets Days Past Due to 0. |
No Payments Due | The account balance is $0 or positive. |
Exempted from Collections | The account was Pending Collections, but a staff member exempted it from being sent to collections. |
Sent to Collections | The account has been sent to Aldous for collections. This status remains until the full amount reported to collections is paid. |
Symbols | Actions |
Click this icon to charge the client for a full or partial payment. | |
Click this icon to exempt clients from Collections | |
Click this icon to send clients to Collections. |
For more details on the Balance Due report, check out Balance Due Report.
Clients in Collections Report
This report provides a list of clients sent to collections, along with the amount reported to collections, the date the balance became past due and detailed payment information, allowing you to track clients with overdue accounts and the total balance sent to collections.
To access the Clients in Collections report, follow these steps:
Click on the App Drawer
> Reports > Clients > then Clients in Collections.
For more details on this report and actions available to you, visit our help center article, Clients in Collections Report.
Collection Resolution through Direct Payment
The Collection Resolution through Direct Payment report shows clients who have made payments to your business made through the Client Portal, the Achieve Client App, or directly with staff within the selected date range. This report will provide you with detail on both partial and fully paid accounts along with the total amount recovered.
To access the Collection Resolution Through Direct Payment report, follow these steps:
Click on the App Drawer
> Reports > Clients > then Collection Resolution through Direct Payment.
For more details on this report and actions available to you, visit our help center article, Collection Resolution through Agency Report.
Collection Resolution through Agency
The Collection Resolution through Agency report tracks payments made directly to Aldous and Associates. This report will provide you with detail on both partial and fully paid accounts along with the total amount recovered.
To access the Collection Resolution Through Agency report, follow these steps:
Click on the App Drawer
> Reports > Clients > then Collection Resolution through Agency.
For more details on this report and actions available to you, visit our help center article, Collection Resolution through Agency Report.
Managing Collections from Client Profiles
In addition to reports, you can manage a client’s collections status directly from their profile.
This new design is launching soon!
To view and manage a client’s account status from their profile, follow these steps:
Click the Search
button in the Top Nav Bar and type in the clients name.
Click on their name to go to their client profile, then click Account > Billing & Account Balance
From here, you can view and manage the client's account balance and collections status.
For an in-depth walkthrough, check out this video:
For more details on the actions you can take from the client profile, visit our help center article, Manage clients in Collections.
Review Clients in Pending Collections Status
The Clients in Collections Report is your go-to tool for identifying and managing overdue accounts. This report allows you to review clients with a Pending Collections status and determine which accounts need to be sent to Aldous and Associates for follow-up.
In this video, we’ll show you how to locate clients with a Pending Collections status from different areas in WellnessLiving, including the Clients in Collections Report and the client profile, and how to review the account balance and future obligations.
What Happens When a Client is Sent to Collections?
When a client is sent to collections, several automated actions occur to ensure overdue accounts are managed effectively.
An alert appears on the client’s profile, indicating the amount sent and the date of submission.
The client is flagged, restricting their ability to book new services or make purchases until the balance is resolved.
At the same time, their memberships are deactivated, and any auto-renewals and auto-conversions for passes or packages are turned off.
These measures help prevent further charges while ensuring your business’s records remain accurate.
This walkthrough video provides a clear picture of the process and its impact on client accounts.
By understanding these automated profile changes and restrictions, you can confidently manage overdue accounts and communicate the next steps to your clients as needed.
View Collection Payments & Expenses in Reports
The All Sales Report and the Sales Summary by Revenue Category Report allow you to efficiently monitor Collections Payments and Expenses, and get clear insights into your revenue. Collections Expense represents the 40% recovery fee that Aldous collects from the payments. If clients do not make a payment, Aldous doesn't make money.
Collections in the All Sales Report
The All Sales Report provides a detailed view of Collections data, displaying individual transactions categorized under revenue categories. This report allows you to review specific transaction level details, including dates and total net sales, giving you a clear understanding of each payment and expense.
To filter Collections in the All Sales Report, follow these steps:
Click the App Drawer
> Reports > Sales > All Sales.
Set your preferred date range at the top of the report.
Confirm the following view settings:
View Mode: Transaction View
Accounting Method: Cash
Click the Revenue Categories filter on the right side of the report to filter by Revenue Category
Collections Payment
Collections Expense
Apply the filter to display only transactions relevant to Collections.
The report will display all transactions filtered by the selected revenue categories. You can use the columns provided to analyze both the Collections Payments and Expenses.
Collections in the Sales Summary by Revenue Category Report
The Sales Summary by Revenue Category Report provides a clear breakdown of Collections data, showing revenue categories like Collections Payment and Collections Expense with summarized totals to view earnings and recovery fees without diving into transaction-level details.
To view Collections in the Sales Summary by Revenue Category Report, follow these steps:
Click on the App Drawer
> Reports > Sales > Sales Summary by Revenue Category.
Set your preferred date range at the top of the report.
Locate the Revenue Categories filter.
Collections Payment
Collections Expense
Apply the filter to display the summarized results.
To access additional details click on any revenue category (e.g., Collections Expense or Collections Payment).
This will redirect you to the Sales Details by Revenue Category Report, where you can view a detailed breakdown of transactions. For more information, check out Client payments through collections.
The Collections add-on is a powerful tool for businesses in the U.S. to recover overdue payments and effectively requires a balance of automation and personal attention. By setting up proactive business policies, regularly reviewing reports, and using client profiles for individual cases, you can recover overdue payments while maintaining client trust.