You can reset your clients’ rewards points from the leaderboard. When resetting clients’ rewards points, you can reset all rewards points, rewards points that have been earned during a specific contest, or rewards points that have been earned during a specific date range.
Caution: Resetting rewards points for a contest or a specific date range will reset all rewards points earned during the selected date range. This will affect the leaderboard and any contests that occur during the same date range.
Reset rewards points for all clients
To reset rewards points for all clients, complete the following:
Click the App Drawer button
then click View All > Rewards > Leaderboard.
Under VIEW CONTEST, in the list:
To reset all rewards points, select All-Time Leaderboard.
To reset rewards points for a specific contest, select the contest.
To reset rewards points for a specific period of time, under FILTER BY DATE, select a start date and an end date, then click GO.
Click Reset leaderboard. In the Confirmation Required popup, click Reset.