This article provides guidelines and examples to help you get your own rewards program up and running. There are many options available in the rewards program to choose from. We encourage you to explore these options to find what works best for your business.
Enable rewards points
To enable rewards points in your rewards program:
Click the App Drawer
> View All > Rewards.
In the Rewards menu, click the Enable Points page.
Set the ACTIVATE REWARDS toggle to ON.
There are a variety of actions that a client can take to earn rewards points. To enable reward points for an action, set the toggle for that action to ON.
You may create your own reward category by clicking Add Custom Category at the bottom. From here, you can name your category and add custom reward options.
Specify how many points are rewarded when a client completes the action.
To set a limit on how many points a client may earn from a single action, click the Settings button
and click Add maximum cap.
Repeat steps 4 & 5 to enable points for other actions and further customize your rewards program.
Below is an example setup for earning rewards points to help get started:
Category | Setting |
Attendance |
Purchasing |
Reviewing |
Social Sharing |
Refer-a-Friend |
Client Profile |
Enable redeemable prizes
To enable redeemable prizes in your rewards program:
Click the App Drawer
> View All > Rewards.
In the Rewards menu, click the Redeemable Prizes page.
There are numerous ways a client can redeem rewards points. To enable a redeemable prize category, set the toggle for that category to ON.
Specify how many points are redeemed and what the prize is. To offer more prize options, click Add.
Below is an example setup for redeemable prizes to help get started:
Category | Setting |
Award free services |
Award discounts on services |
Award discounts or free items in the online store |
Deactivate your rewards program
To deactivate your rewards program:
Click the App Drawer
> View All > Rewards.
In the Rewards menu, click the Enable Points page.
On the Enable Points page, set the ACTIVATE REWARDS toggle to OFF.
In the confirmation popup, click Deactivate. The rewards program is deactivated.
To reactivate the rewards program, set the ACTIVATE REWARDS toggle back to ON. The settings for your rewards points and prizes that existed before deactivation will be restored.
Caution: Once the rewards program is deactivated, your clients can no longer earn rewards points. If your clients have already collected rewards points, they will still be able to redeem them for prizes even after the program has been deactivated.