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Book an appointment
Updated over a week ago

Staff members can book appointments for clients from the Staff Back Office or Elevate Staff App. Appointments can be one-time or recurring.

Clients can book appointments for themselves using the Client Web App or the Achieve Client App. If you use the Require Staff Approval option in Appointment type general information settings, you can require clients to request the booking, which must be approved by a staff member before they can attend the session.

For information about what is displayed on the schedule after booking an appointment, see Appointments on the schedule.


  • Booking recurring appointments

    • When you book a recurring appointment, you’ll be prompted to either pay for all appointments in the series of recurring appointments with a Purchase Option, or book unpaid.

    • If you choose to pay using a Purchase Option, the client’s Purchase Option will be debited for the total number of appointments. If the Purchase Option is designed to auto-renew, this might trigger additional charges.

    • To avoid any unexpected charges or using all the visits on a Purchase Option, you can book unpaid and then reconcile each unpaid visit as it occurs.

Key tips before you begin

  • Appointments can only be booked with staff members whose working hours are set. For more information, see Managing a staff member’s working hours.

  • Staff members without the Book clients unpaid staff role permission can still book unpaid appointments for clients, but these appointments will appear with a Requested badge on the schedule.

    • The Requested badge will be removed once the client pays for the appointment(s).

    • If the appointment bookings aren’t paid for within an hour, they’ll be automatically canceled.

Book an appointment

Desktop – Staff Back Office

To book an appointment from the Staff Back Office, complete the following:

  1. Open the client profile for the client you want to book an appointment for, or open the schedule to begin booking the appointment.

    • To begin booking an appointment from a client’s profile:

      1. Click the Search button in the Top Nav Bar and enter the client’s information, then click their name in the list.

      2. On the client’s Overview page, click Book, then click Appointment.

        • If appointments are the only services available in your business, this will just say Book appointment. Click that.

      3. You will be taken to your schedule to complete the booking.

        • If the schedule is in Calendar view, click any available time slot to book an appointment. The time slot is determined by the row you select.

        • If the schedule is in Day view, the column you select will determine the staff member.

    • To begin booking an appointment from the schedule:

      1. Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Schedule.

      2. In the top left corner of the schedule, click Add, and select Book appointment in the list.

        • If the schedule is in Calendar view, click any available time slot to book an appointment. The time slot is determined by the row you select.

        • If the schedule is in Day view, the column you select will determine the staff member.

      3. Under CLIENT(S), select the clients you want to book into the appointment.

  2. Under SERVICE, select the details of the service provided for the appointment.

  3. Under Location, select the location where the appointment will take place. (Only available for businesses with multiple locations.)

  4. Under Service, select the service provided in the appointment

    • If you select Show inactive appointments, you can select any service provided at the selected location. Otherwise, only services that you’re set up to provide will appear.

  5. Under Duration, you can modify the duration of an appointment, if required.

  6. If the appointment is a non-integrated virtual service, enter a valid URL for your virtual service under NON-INTEGRATED VIRTUAL SERVICE LINK. If not, this section won’t appear.

    • A valid URL must begin with HTTP, HTTPS, or SSH.

  7. If add-ons have been set up for the service, you can select any add-ons for the appointment before continuing.

    1. Browse the list for the add-ons you’d like to add.

    2. To the right of the add-on, click the Add button .

    3. Select the quantity for the selected add-on using the Plus and Remove buttons, or by manually entering the quantity.

  8. Under DATE & TIME, set the date and time for the appointment.

    • To make the appointment recurring, set the Recurring option to ON. Some new options will appear to let you select how often the appointment will be repeated, and when it will end.

  9. Under STAFF, select the staff member who will provide the service.

    • You can use the Staff Gender Preference option to set a preferred gender for staff members that will provide this service.

    • If you select Show Unavailable Staff, you can select a staff member whose working hours are outside of the scheduled appointment time.

  10. Under ASSETS, select any Book-a-Spot assets required for the selected service.

    • This option is only visible if the appointment requires an asset.

    • If you select Show Unavailable Assets, you can select an asset with working hours that are outside of the scheduled appointment time.

  11. Under QUESTION, enter the answer to any questions that are listed.

    • This option is only visible if it’s enabled in the appointment’s advanced settings.

  12. If you want to book another appointment, click Add Another Appointment and repeat the previous steps.

    • If you select a different client for the additional appointment, the two clients are charged separately.

    • To discard the additional appointment, click Remove Appointment, and then click OK.

  13. To book the appointment(s):

    • Click Book Unpaid to book the appointment without requesting payment from the client.

      • This option is only visible if it’s enabled in the appointment’s general settings.

    • Click Book and Pay to request payment from the client and begin making a sale.

      • If the client lacks a Purchase Option or payment method that can be used to pay for the appointment, Book and Pay will change to Book and QUICK Buy. The only difference from Book and Pay is that when you start making the sale, the QUICK buy options necessary to complete the booking for the client will be automatically selected for you.

    • If a client is flagged, a Confirmation Required popup will appear. If you still want to book the client, click OK to continue the booking.

  14. If there are any scheduling conflicts, the conflict manager will appear (for staff members with the appropriate staff role permissions) to let you know what the conflicts are and how to resolve them.

    • To book an appointment regardless of conflicts, click Book anyway (or, for multiple appointments, Book all anyways)

    • To stop booking an appointment, click Do not book (or, for multiple appointments, Do not book all)

    • To modify the date, time, or staff member for an appointment, click Fix.

      • After making your changes, click Save.

      • To edit your changes, click Edit.

Mobile – Elevate Staff App

To book an appointment from the Elevate Staff App, complete the following:

  1. Tap the Schedule tab.

  2. Tap the Add button, then tap Book Appointment.

    1. If you’re viewing the schedule in calendar view, you can also tap a timeslot on the schedule, then tap Book Appointment to book the appointment at that time.

  3. Under Client, select one or more clients you want to book into the appointment:

    • To select an existing client, type their name, phone number, or email in the search box and tap on their profile in the list. Repeat for each existing client you want to book into the appointment.

    • To add a new client to WellnessLiving and book them into the appointment, tap Add new client, enter the required client information in the fields provided, and then tap Save. Repeat for each new client you want to book into the appointment.

    • To book a walk-in client, tap Walk-in client. Perform this action for each walk-in client you want to book into the appointment.

      • You can only book an appointment for a walk-in client if the Clients can purchase individual sessions option is selected under the general information settings for the appointment type. For more information, see Appointment type general information settings.

  4. Under Service, select the location and appointment type.

    1. Under Location, select the location at which this appointment will take place.

      • If your business has more than one location, the default booking location will be the location that the staff member selects when signing into the Elevate Staff App. If your business has a single location, this option won’t be displayed.

    2. Under Service, select the appointment type that will be provided. To find a specific service, type its name in the search box.

    3. Under Duration, set the length of the appointment by adjusting the number of hours and minutes accordingly.

  5. If add-ons are available, under Add-ons, tap Select add-ons. This option won’t be available if there are no add-ons for the service.

    1. Tap the Add button next to each add-on you want to add to the appointment. To find a specific add-on, type its name in the search box or scroll through the options by tapping the arrows or swiping left or right.

    2. Tap Apply.

  6. Under Date and time, set the date and time when the appointment will take place.

    • For single appointments:

      1. On the calendar, select the date when the appointment will occur.

      2. Under Start time, select the time when the appointment will begin.

    • For recurring appointments:

      1. Set the Recurring option to ON.

      2. Under Repeat frequency, select the time interval upon which the appointment will repeat. You can select day, week, month, or year.

        • If you choose week, you can select the day of the week when the appointment will repeat.

        • If you choose month, you can select the day of the week or the day of the month when the appointment will repeat.

      3. Under Repeat every, select the number of days, weeks, months, or years upon which the appointment will repeat.

      4. Under End repeat, select whether the recurring appointment has no end date, whether it will end on a specified date, or whether it will end after a specified number of occurrences.

  7. Under Staff, select the staff member who will provide the service.

    • Under Gender preference, select the preferred gender of the staff member.

    • Under Staff member, select one of the available staff members.

      • To display and select a staff member who’s unavailable during the appointment’s scheduled time, set the Display unavailable staff members option to ON.

  8. Under Asset, select any Book-a-Spot assets required for the appointment. This option won’t be visible if the appointment doesn’t require a Book-a-Spot asset.

    • To select a Book-a-Spot asset based on its layout, tap Show layout.

    • To display and select a Book-a-Spot asset that’s unavailable during the appointment’s scheduled time, set the Display unavailable assets option to ON.

  9. Under Question, enter the answers to any questions listed.

  10. Under Forms, complete any outstanding forms, if applicable. This option won’t be visible if there are no forms to fill out, your business hasn’t enabled forms, or you don’t have the staff role permission to view forms or manage responses. To complete a form:

    1. Tap Fill in form next to the form you want to complete.

    2. Answer all the questions and add a signature.

    3. Tap Submit.

  11. Complete the appointment booking:

    • Tap Book (if available) to book the appointment and use the client’s available Purchase Option to pay for the booking.

      • if the client is marked as flagged, in the Flagged Client popup, tap Allow to continue the booking.

    • Tap Book unpaid (if available) to book the appointment without requiring payment from the client when booking.

      • if the client is marked as flagged, in the Flagged Client popup, tap Allow to continue the booking.

    • To book the appointment and require payment from the client when booking:

      1. Tap Book & pay.

      2. On the checkout screen, review the details for the service and update details if necessary:

        • Tap the PURCHASE OPTION section to select a different Purchase Option.

        • Tap the DISCOUNT section to apply a discount code, a fixed discount, or percentage discount.

        • Tap ADD RECEIPT NOTES to enter custom receipt notes for this booking.

      3. Continue from step 8 in Elevate Staff App: Making a sale.

  12. If there are any scheduling conflicts for the booking, the conflict manager is displayed to staff members with the appropriate staff role permissions. Select how to resolve the conflicts and try to book the appointment again:

    • To address all conflicts at once:

      • To book regardless of the conflicts, tap Book all anyway.

      • To cancel the appointment, tap Do not book all.

    • To address each individual conflict, tap Fix for the individual conflict in the list:

      • To book regardless of the conflict, tap Book anyway.

      • To cancel the appointment, tap Do not book.

      • To change the staff member for the appointment, tap CHANGE STAFF MEMBER and select a different staff member.

      • To reschedule the appointment, tap CHANGE DATE AND TIME and select a new date and time.

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