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Appointment settings
Updated over a month ago

This article describes all the settings available when you’re creating or modifying an appointment.

Note: Changing an appointment’s settings won’t apply changes to sessions of the appointment that have already been scheduled. Any upcoming sessions of the service that you’ve already scheduled must be canceled and scheduled again for the changes to apply.

General information settings




Click this field to change the image that will be used for this appointment. Be sure to follow the recommended image size and format.


The name of the appointment. Your clients can see the name you enter, so it should be both descriptive and brief. This is a required field.


Your business’s book now tabs are listed.

Select one or more book now tabs to determine how the appointment will be categorized in the Client Portal. By default, the book now tab for appointments is called Appointments.

You can also complete the following actions:

  • Create a new book now tab by clicking Add Book Now tab.

  • Modify an existing book now tab by clicking the Edit button

  • Delete a book now tab by clicking the Delete button

Note: If you modify the book now tab for a service, the direct booking URL for that service will change. Any client who uses the original direct booking URL will receive an error message.


Activates or deactivates this appointment. When this option is set to OFF, this appointment is deactivated and can’t be booked.

You can’t deactivate an appointment if sessions of it are scheduled. In this case, you must remove all sessions of the appointment from the schedule before you can deactivate the appointment.


A description of the appointment. Your clients can see the description, so it should be both descriptive and creative, but brief.

Note: If you select This is an in-person service under In Person or Virtual Service, this field is limited to a maximum of 8,192 characters. If you select This is an integrated Zoom virtual service, this field is limited to a maximum of 2,000 characters. The maximum character count for non-integrated virtual services will vary depending on the provider.

Add Special Instructions

Any special instructions your clients need to know regarding the appointment. For example, you can use this field to instruct your clients to bring clean indoor shoes to a fitness assessment.

Clients can view special instructions from the MY SCHEDULE tab in the Client Portal and Achieve Client App, and in the appointment notifications sent to them. Clients who are booked into an appointment will only receive the special instruction in their booking confirmation email if the special instruction email variable is added to the email template.

You can choose to hide special instructions from clients who have not booked an appointment:

  • If the Hide special instructions when client is booking option is set to ON, clients will only be able to view and receive the special instructions after they’ve booked the appointment.

  • If the Hide special instructions when client is booking option is set to OFF, all clients will be able to view the special instructions.


The background color of the appointment type as it appears on your internal schedule. Use this to make it easier to distinguish your services from one another, or to simply liven up your schedule.


The length of time for the appointment.

You can choose whether to include processing time:

  • Don’t include processing time – When this option is selected, you specify the number of hours and minutes for appointments of this type under SERVICE LENGTH. You can also set the Hide duration information from clients option to ON, so clients can’t see the length of the appointment when booking this service.

  • Include processing time – When this option is selected, you can add the time needed before and after the appointment for processing.

You can also choose whether to include additional padding time. During padding time, the staff member and any assets associated with the appointment will be unavailable for booking. Padding time doesn’t affect the duration of the appointment:

  • Don’t add padding – No additional time is added to the appointment.

  • Add padding – You can include additional time before and after the appointment.

When you modify the duration of an appointment type, it won’t affect the duration of any appointments that have already been booked.

Note: Appointments can span multiple days if a business location’s open hours allow it. Padding time may roll over to the next calendar date, if necessary. For more information, see Setting a location’s business hours.


The maximum number of people that can attend an appointment of this type.


The pricing for appointments of this type. You must select a PRICING TYPE and set a SERVICE PRICE for the appointment.

Your PRICING TYPE options are:

  • Fixed – The service has a fixed price.

  • Free – The service is free of charge.

  • Hide – The service has a cost that isn’t disclosed. The client must inquire about the price. If you choose this option, clients can’t pay a drop-in rate when booking the appointment online.

  • Variable – The service has a variable cost from a set minimum to maximum. Clients will see the price range and staff members will see the highest price. The client must inquire about the price. If you choose this option, online payment can’t be used. Staff members will need to modify the price in the cart during checkout to reflect the appropriate value of the service.

You can choose whether to allow clients to book drop-in sessions for the appointment by selecting one of the following:

  • Allow clients to book with a drop-in rate or Purchase Options – Clients can purchase appointments of this type by paying the service price or by using Purchase Options.

  • Do not sell individual sessions. Must be paid using Purchase Options – Clients can purchase appointments of this type only through a configured Purchase Option.

You can also choose to offer an online discount, as follows:

  • Offer online discounted price – Clients who book online will pay a different price than clients who book and pay in person. In this case, you must specify the ONLINE PRICE.

  • Don’t offer online discount – Clients who book online will pay the same price as other clients.

Note: The service price must be set, even if customers can only use Purchase Options to pay, because the service price is used to determine booking prices via Reserve with Google or ClassPass, and for calculating percentage-based cancellation fees set in your business policies.

Clients can use these Purchase Options

The Purchase Options that clients can use to book the appointment.

These appointments are selected when the Purchase Option is created.

Set [Purchase Option] as the default Purchase Option when paying for this service

Allows you to select a default Purchase Option that will be used for the payment when a client books this appointment.

  • When a default Purchase Option is set, staff members and clients can still choose to pay for the booking using one of the other applicable Purchase Options available for this appointment.

  • If the client doesn’t own an applicable Purchase Option when booking the appointment, the default Purchase Option will be automatically selected when the client pays for the appointment. Likewise, when a staff member sells a client a new Purchase Option to reconcile an unpaid booking, the default Purchase Option will be automatically added to the shopping cart.

  • If the default Purchase Option is set to None, the client must manually select a Purchase Option to pay for the appointment, and no Purchase Option is added to the shopping cart when a staff member reconciles an unpaid booking for the client.

Note: If the Visit Session Value for this service is greater than one, then a session pass that only allows a single visit can’t be selected as the default Purchase Option.

Client Booking Flow

The order in which clients will make selections when booking appointments of this type. You can select one of the following:

  • Client selects the staff member and then the date and time

  • Client selects the date and time and then the staff member

  • Client selects the staff member and the date and time in the order they prefer

Staff Booking Flow

Determines the order in which staff members will make selections when booking appointments of this type. This setting is only applied when the selected staff member is unavailable due to a booking conflict. To resolve the booking conflict, you can book an available staff member by selecting one of the following options:

  • Staff selects the staff member and then the date and time

  • Staff selects the date and time and then the staff member

Require Staff Approval

Determines whether your staff members need to approve a client’s request to book this type of appointment.

You have the following options:

  • Staff must approve the booking request – Clients can only request to book this appointment. A staff member must approve the request for the appointment to be booked.

  • Client can book without approval from staff – Clients can book this type of appointment without staff member approval.

If you select Staff must approve the booking request, the following options are displayed:

  • Clients can make unlimited booking requests with an available Purchase Option – If the client pays for the booking request online with an available Purchase Option, a visit will only be deducted from the Purchase Option once the booking request is approved.

  • Clients can make one booking request per available Purchase Option – If the client pays for the booking request online with an available Purchase Option, a visit will be deducted from the Purchase Option when the booking request is made. If the request is denied, the visit will be added back to the client’s Purchase Option.


  • If a staff member doesn’t approve or deny an appointment booking and its status remains as Requested, the remaining visits on the client’s Purchase Option won’t be updated accordingly.

  • If the client doesn’t have an applicable Purchase Option when requesting an appointment, they’ll be prompted to buy one.

Purchase Rules

A setting that specifies how clients can pay for appointments of this type.
For more information, see Purchase rules.

Advanced settings




Select whether taxes apply to appointments of this type. If you’ve configured taxes, and taxes apply to appointments of this type, select each tax type that applies.

In-person or Virtual Service

Determines whether your clients will attend the appointment in person at your studio, or remotely via a Zoom meeting or other non-integrated virtual service.

  • To create an in-person appointment, select This is an in-person service.

  • To create an online appointment using Zoom, select Virtual service. This option will only display if your business is connected to a Zoom account. For more information, see Zoom integration.

  • To create an online appointment using a non-integrated virtual service provider, select This is a non-integrated virtual service.

    • If you select this option, you must add a valid URL for the virtual service to the NON-INTEGRATED VIRTUAL SERVICE LINK field when booking an appointment.

For online appointments using Zoom, the following settings will appear:

  • Enable Zoom waiting room – This setting will allow clients to wait in a Zoom waiting room for the service to begin.

  • Disable Zoom waiting room – This setting will not allow clients to wait in a Zoom waiting room for the service to begin.

Note: To start a non-integrated virtual service from WellnessLiving, you must sign in to the hosting platform beforehand. For more information, see Hosting a virtual service.

ClassPass Integration

A setting that allows clients to integrate and share data between their ClassPass account and their WellnessLiving account. By default, the ClassPass integration is disabled. For more information, see Enabling and disabling ClassPass integration.


  • After enabling ClassPass integration, you must ensure that the CLASSPASS option is set to ON when you schedule appointments or classes to allow clients to book the sessions through ClassPass.

  • ClassPass only displays appointment bookings with durations of 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes. If your business has appointments with different durations, such as 20, 45, or 90 minutes, they won’t be bookable through ClassPass.

Client Online Booking

A setting that specifies whether clients can book appointments of this type online. Your choices are:

  • Clients can book online – Clients will be able to see and book this appointment through your Client Portal and Achieve Client App.

  • Disable booking online – Clients can’t book this appointment online. If this option is selected, you must select one of the following options:

    • Display appointment to all clients – Clients will be able to see the appointment type on the booking tab of the Client Portal and Achieve Client App, but they’ll be asked to contact your business if they attempt to book the appointment online.

    • Appointment is not visible to clients – Clients won’t be able to see the appointment on the booking tab of the Client Portal and Achieve Client App. If this option is selected, clients will still be able to check in to the appointment using the Client Self Check-In Web app.

  • Only selected client groups and types can book online – Under CLIENT TYPES and CLIENT GROUPS, select the client types and client groups whose members can book the appointment using the Client Portal and Achieve Client App. If this option is selected, you must select one of the following options:

    • Display appointment to all clients – Clients who aren’t signed in to WellnessLiving will be able to see this appointment on the booking tabs of the Client Portal and Achieve Client App. To book the appointment, clients must be signed in to WellnessLiving, in addition to being a member of the specified client types or groups.

    • Display appointment to selected client types or groups – Clients who aren’t signed in to WellnessLiving won’t be able to see the appointment on the booking tabs of the Client Portal or Achieve Client App. To view and book the appointment, clients must be signed in to WellnessLiving, in addition to being a member of the specified client types or groups.

Note: The client online booking settings don’t affect your client’s ability to view or check in to services when using the Attendance Kiosk or Self Check-In Kiosk.

Staff Booking

The client types for which staff members can book appointments of this type. Your choices are:

  • Staff can book all Client Types – The appointment will be open to clients of any type.

  • Staff can only book selected Client Types – If you choose this option, you must select the checkbox for each client type that staff members can book from the list.


The business locations at which appointments of this type will be available.


The members of your staff who can offer appointments of this type. This field is required.

You can specify one or more staff members. When a staff member or client schedules the appointment, only the staff members specified in this setting will be available for selection.

QUICK Buy Settings

A setting that allows you to select whether QUICK Buy products are available for appointments of this type. If you select QUICK buy products are available for this service, you can select which QUICK Buy products are available. For more information, see QUICK Buy.

Age Restriction

A setting that determines whether the appointments of this type are restricted to clients in a certain age range. Select one of the following options:

  • Open to all ages – Appointments of this type will not be restricted by age.

  • Restricted to certain ages – If you select this option, enter the Minimum Age or Maximum Age that clients must be within to book the appointment. You can also select an Age Range if you want to make the appointment available to clients within a particular age group.

    • If you want the service to be hidden from clients who don’t meet the age requirements, set the Display service to clients who do not meet the age requirement option to OFF.

For more information, see Setting an age restriction for a service.


A setting that allows you to ask clients one or more questions when they book appointments of this type. Your choices are:

  • Ask the client a question when they book – The client will be asked the specified questions when booking the service. To specify a question, type the question in the field provided. If you want to ask another question, click New question. If you ask more than one question, you can click the number control to set the order in which the questions will be displayed to the client.

  • Don’t ask the client a question when they book – The client won’t be asked any questions when they book the appointment.


Staff Selection

Options related to the selection of staff members for appointments of this type. Your choices are:

  • Allow gender selection when booking – The client can choose the gender of the staff member at the time of booking.

  • No gender selection when booking – The client won’t be able to select the staff member’s gender.

  • Allow clients to select a staff member when booking an appointment – The client can select their preferred staff member from the list of eligible staff members (those selected above under Staff members).

  • Don’t allow clients to select a staff member when booking an appointment – The client won’t be able to select a staff member.


An option that allows you to select whether assets are required for this appointment.

If assets are required, select Service requires assets, then select the required asset category from the list. If multiple assets are required, click the Add asset button and determine the settings for each asset.

You have the following options for each asset:

  • This service requires a specific asset within this category – Only the selected assets can be reserved with the appointment.

  • This service can use any asset within this category – Any asset in the selected category can be reserved with the appointment.

  • This asset is reserved individually per client – One asset is reserved for each client who books this appointment. If you select this option you must also choose one of the following options:

    • Client is able to choose which asset they would like to reserve – Clients can select which asset they want to reserve when booking this appointment. If an appointment requires an asset from two or more different asset categories, the client will be required to select one asset from each category when booking the appointment.

    • Asset is selected automatically and the client cannot change the reservation – An asset will be selected and reserved automatically when a client books this appointment.

  • This asset is reserved for the entire appointment – One asset is reserved for communal use by all clients who booked the appointment. For example, if a room is required for the appointment, you can reserve the room to ensure it can’t be booked by other staff members or clients during the appointment.

Custom Business Policies

A setting that allows you to apply custom business policies, such as booking policies or automatic attendance tracking, to appointments of this type.

To apply custom business policies, set this option to ON, which displays the appointment-specific business policy settings.

The appointment-specific business policy settings are automatically pulled from your Business Policies page, so you only need to change the specific settings that you want to customize.

Booking Interval

The time interval used when booking this type of appointment. Your choices are:

  • 15 minutes

  • 30 minutes

  • 1 hour

  • 90 minutes

  • Custom booking time

Take Notes

A setting that allows you to enable note-taking for this appointment. Your choices are:

  • None – Notes won’t be enabled.

  • Quick – Notes can be taken in a general notes section.

  • SOAP – Notes can be taken in the SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) format.

Visit Session Value

The session value for an appointment can be set to either a standard single session or a custom value.

If you choose Single visit equates to a custom value, enter the desired value. For example:

  • Enter 0 to offer the appointment for free with an applicable Purchase Option.

  • Enter 2 to count the appointment as two visits toward a client’s Purchase Option.


An option that allows you to select whether clients and staff members will receive notifications for this appointment. Additionally, you can set up custom notifications. Your choices are:

  • Custom confirmation notification – When enabled, you can add a custom confirmation notification for the appointment.

  • Custom reminder notification – When enabled, you can add a custom reminder notification for the appointment.

Quick Search Tags

The QUICK Search tags that apply to appointments of this type. In the list, select all the QUICK Search tags that apply. QUICK Search tags are not customizable.

QUICK Search tags help categorize your appointment for clients who are searching for new services on WellnessLiving Explorer. For example, if this is a personal training session, add both Strength and Conditioning and Cardio Conditioning. If you’re offering a martial arts consultation for evaluating your clients before recommending classes, add Martial Arts.

If you’re offering a service that doesn’t fit into any of the Quick Search Tag options that are available, choose the closest available option or leave it blank.

Revenue Category

The revenue categories to which the appointment is assigned. Click a revenue category to select or deselect it. You can select as many revenue categories as needed. The appointment will be assigned to the selected revenue categories.

You can also manage revenue categories from here:

  • To add a new revenue category, enter a name for it in the box, and click ADD.

  • To rename a revenue category, click the revenue category’s Options button and select Edit .

  • To delete a revenue category, click the revenue category’s Options button and select Delete tag .

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