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Cancel an appointment booking
Updated over a week ago

Staff members can cancel an appointment booking from the Elevate Staff App or the Staff Back Office. From the Staff Back Office, you can also cancel multiple appointments at once, including appointments in recurring bookings. If multiple clients are booked into an appointment, canceling the appointment booking for one client won’t cancel it for the others.

Changing a client’s attendance status is another way to cancel a service booking. For more information, see Change a client’s attendance status.

Clients can cancel appointments for themselves through either the Client Web App, the Achieve Client App, or the Appointment Confirmation email notification.

Key tips before you begin

  • If a visit that is paid for with a session pass or a membership is marked as Early Cancel, the visit will return to the session pass or membership. Returned visits won’t automatically pay for existing unpaid visits. To use a session pass or membership to pay for an unpaid visit you must reconcile the visit. For more information, see Reconciling unpaid visits.

  • If you cancel an appointment after a client has been marked as Late Cancel, the client’s cancellation status will automatically be changed to Early Cancel. Purchase Option visits that are used to pay for the service will be returned to the client, but late cancellation fees charged based on your business policies won’t be automatically refunded. To refund these fees, you must manually issue the refund to the client.

  • If a staff member cancels an appointment booking outside of the early cancellation window, on behalf of a client, the staff member can override the late fee and manually mark the appointment booking as Early Cancel. For more information, see Changing a client’s attendance status.

Cancel one booked appointment from a client’s profile

Desktop – Staff Back Office

To cancel one booked appointment from a client’s profile in the Staff Back Office, complete the following:

  1. Click the Search button in the Top Nav Bar and enter the client’s information, then click their name in the list.

  2. On the side menu, click Attendance > Upcoming Schedule.

  3. In the list, find the appointment you want to cancel, then click the Action button and select Cancel Session.

Mobile – Elevate Staff App

To cancel one booked appointment from a client’s profile in the Elevate Staff App, complete the following:

  1. Tap the Clients tab.

  2. Enter the client’s information in the Search box, then tap their name in the list.

  3. Tap the Options button then tap Attendance.

  4. Slide the appointment that needs to be canceled to the left and tap Cancel.

  5. In the conformation popup, click OK.

Cancel one booked appointment from the schedule

To cancel one booked appointment from the schedule, complete the following:

  1. Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Schedule.

  2. Cancel the appointment:

    • If you’re in calendar view:

      1. Click the appointment on the schedule.

      2. In the appointment window, click Early Cancel, Late Cancel, or No-Show.

        • If you change a client’s attendance status to No-Show or Late Cancel, the client may be charged a fee based on your cancellation policies. If you have the appropriate staff role permissions, you can decide whether to charge the client the fee. Your choices are:

          • Yes, charge the fee — The client will be charged the amount set in your cancellation policies.

          • No, don’t charge the fee — The client won’t be charged any amount.

          • For more information, see Late cancel and no-show fees.

      3. Under Reason, enter the reason for the cancellation.

      4. Determine how to notify the client of the cancellation:

        • To send the client an email notification, set the Send email notification option to ON.

        • To send the client an SMS notification, set Send SMS notification option to ON.

        • To send the client a push notification, set Send push notification to ON.

          • Click the Edit button next to any toggle to edit the notification that is sent to the client.

      5. Click Confirm.

    • If you’re in list view:

      1. Click the Options button and select Cancel Appointment.

      2. Under Update status, select the appropriate status.

        • If you change a client’s attendance status to No-Show or Late Cancel, the client may be charged a fee based on your cancellation policies. But if you have the appropriate staff role permissions, you can decide whether to charge the client the fee. Your choices are:

          • Yes, charge the fee — The client will be charged the amount set in your cancellation policies.

          • No, don’t charge the fee — The client won’t be charged any amount.

          • For more information, see Late cancel and no-show fees.

      3. Under Reason, enter the reason for the cancellation.

      4. Determine how to notify the client of the cancellation:

        • To send the client an email notification, set the Send email notification option to ON.

        • To send the client an SMS notification, set Send SMS notification option to ON.

        • To send the client a push notification, set Send push notification to ON.

          • Click the Edit button next to any toggle to edit the notification that is sent to the client.

      5. Click Cancel appointment.

Cancel multiple booked appointments

To cancel multiple booked appointments, complete the following:

  1. Click the Search button in the Top Nav Bar and enter the client’s information, then click their name in the list.

  2. On the side menu, click Attendance.

  3. On the Attendance menu, click Upcoming Schedule.

  4. In the list, select the checkboxes to the left of the appointments you want to cancel. You may have to browse the list or filter the list to find the appointment.

  5. Click Early Cancel Selected.

  6. In the confirmation popup, click OK. The appointment bookings are canceled.

Cancel appointments in a recurring booking from a client’s profile

To cancel appointments in a recurring booking from a client’s profile, complete the following:

  1. Click the Search button in the Top Nav Bar and enter the client’s information, then click their name in the list.

  2. On the side menu, click Attendance.

  3. On the Attendance menu, click Upcoming Schedule.

  4. In the list, find an appointment in the recurring booking you want to cancel. You may have to browse the list or filter the list to find the appointment.

  5. In the Action column, click the Action button and select Cancel Appointments in Recurring Booking.

  6. In the cancellation wizard, select which appointments in the series you are canceling or select the Cancel all recurring appointments checkbox to cancel all appointments in the series.

  7. At the bottom of the screen, click Yes.

  8. Under Select reason, select the reason for the cancellation.

  9. To notify the client of the cancellation, select the Send email to affected client, the Send sms to affected client, and/or the Send push to affected client checkboxes.

    • To customize the notifications:

      1. Click Customize Email, Customize SMS, or Customize Push depending on which notification you want to customize.

      2. Make any required changes to the notification template. For more information on customizing email notifications, see Automated email template settings and Email variables.

      3. Click Save.

  10. Click Complete. The appointment bookings are canceled.

Cancel appointments in a recurring booking from the schedule

To cancel appointments in a recurring booking from the schedule, complete the following:

  1. Click the App Drawer button then click View All > Schedule.

  2. Make sure the schedule is in list view. If the schedule is not already in list view, click the List button to change the schedule to list view.

  3. Find one instance of the recurring appointment you want to cancel, then click the Options button and select Cancel Recurring Appointments.

  4. Under Update status, select the appropriate status.

    • If you change a client’s attendance status to No-Show or Late Cancel, the client may be charged a fee based on your cancellation policies. But if you have the appropriate staff role permissions, you can decide whether to charge the client the fee. Your choices are:

      • Yes, charge the fee — The client will be charged the amount set in your cancellation policies.

      • No, don’t charge the fee — The client won’t be charged any amount.

      • For more information, see Late cancel and no-show fees.

  5. Under Reason, enter the reason for the cancellation.

  6. Under CANCELLATION DETAILS, select one of the following options:

    • All appointments going forward — If you select this option, all upcoming appointments in this recurring booking will be canceled.

    • Select specific appointments — If you select this option, you must choose the appointments in the recurring booking you want to cancel:

      1. Under From date and To date, set a date range. Appointments from this recurring booking that occur in this date range will be displayed under Scheduled appointment(s).

      2. Under Scheduled appointment(s), select the appointments that you want to cancel.

      3. Determine how to notify the client of the cancellation:

        • To send the client an email notification, set the Send email notification option to ON.

        • To send the client an SMS notification, set Send SMS notification option to ON.

        • To send the client a push notification, set Send push notification to ON.

          • Click the Edit button next to any toggle to edit the notification that is sent to the client.

      4. Click Cancel appointment(s).

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