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Appointments on the schedule
Updated this week

In this article, you’ll find a complete breakdown of what you see on the appointment slideout that appears when you click on an appointment on the schedule.



Appointment summary

Information about the booked appointment is shown at the top of the menu. The following information is displayed:

  • The start and end time of the appointment.

  • The date of the appointment.

  • The location of the appointment.

  • The name of the staff member hosting the appointment.

  • The wait list status of the client. Click View to view the client’s wait list status for the appointment. You also have the option to promote the client from the wait list.

Start virtual session

Click Start virtual session to begin the virtual session. This option is available if the appointment is set up as a virtual service.

Attendance status

Information about the client’s attendance status. The following attendance statuses may apply to the booking:

  • Booked – The client booked the appointment, but the appointment hasn’t yet occurred.

  • Confirmed – The client confirmed that they can attend the appointment either through the Appointment Confirmation notification or through contacting the business.

  • Requested – The appointment has been requested by a client and requires approval from a staff member. This status is only available for appointments that require staff approval. Your options are:

    • Approve – Approve an appointment booking requested by a client.

    • Deny – Deny an appointment booking requested by a client.

  • Pending – The appointment occurred, but the client’s attendance status hasn’t been updated.

  • Checked-In – The client checked in to the appointment.

  • Early Cancel – The client canceled the appointment before the cancellation period outlined in the business policies.

  • Late Cancel – The client canceled the appointment outside of the cancellation period set in your business policies. They must pay for the session fee as if they’ve attended the session.

  • No-Show – The client missed the appointment they booked.

After updating the client’s attendance status to Late Cancel, Early Cancel, or No-Show, you can add a reason for cancellation and notify the clients via email, SMS, or push notifications. You can also view all information about the canceled appointments, including the reasons for cancellation in the Appointment Cancellation Report.

Check-in button

If the client hasn’t checked in yet, click this button to check them in.

Reschedule button

Click Reschedule to reschedule the appointment.

Virtual service link

This option only appears if the appointment is set up as a virtual service. Click the Copy button to copy the URL for this appointment type, which you can then send to clients. For more information, see Copying a virtual service registration URL.

Non-integrated virtual service link

This option only appears if the appointment is set up as a non-integrated virtual service. Click the Edit button to enter a valid URL link for the non-integrated virtual service related to the appointment. This link must begin with HTTP, HTTPS, or SSH and will automatically apply to all sessions of a recurring appointment. To use a different link for each session, you must manually change the virtual service link for each individual session.

Note: If the virtual service link is missing for an appointment, the virtual service icon will appear in red on the schedule.

Client information

Information about the client who is booked into the appointment. To learn more about what each icon represents, see Viewing an attendance list.

Paid with

The payment status of the appointment. To pay for an unpaid appointment booking, click Pay now. You’ll be directed to the store to complete the purchase. For more information, see Reconciling unpaid visits.

Profile/Flagged notes

The notes associated with the client. Click the heading to expand this section and view the associated notes.


The number of add-ons associated with the appointment. You can purchase add-ons for the appointment and manage the purchased add-ons.


The forms associated with the appointment. Staff members with the Complete forms permission can add forms to the appointment and manage the linked forms.

Incomplete forms are indicated by the red Forms heading and the red status indicator next to the form title.

If there’s only one form associated with the appointment, you can view the completed form that includes the client’s responses directly in the slideout.


The client’s answers to any questions asked during the appointment booking, or any SOAP or QUICK notes made about the appointment. Click the heading to expand this section and view the associated information.

Previous appointment booking

Information about the client’s last appointment at your business. Click the heading to expand this section and view the associated information.

Click View all previous appointments to view the client’s attendance history on their client profile.

Upcoming appointment booking

Information about the client’s next appointment at your business. Click the heading to expand this section and view the associated information.

Click View all upcoming appointments to view the client’s upcoming schedule on their client profile.

Go to store

Click Go to store to access the store to add a tip or add-on product to the appointment, to pay for the appointment, or to sell a Purchase Option for the appointment.

Pay now

Click Pay now to access the store to pay for an unpaid appointment. For more information, see Making a sale.

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