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View a client’s activity
Updated over a week ago

You can view a comprehensive log of the client’s activity on their client profile. Additionally, you can add rewards points for certain activities directly from the client’s Activity page. For more information, see Adding or removing rewards points from a client’s profile.

  1. Search for a client using the Search button on the Top Nav Bar.

  2. Click on the client’s name to open their profile.

  3. In the side menu, click Activity. The User Activity list is displayed.

    • To filter the list for specific activities, click Show All and select an option from the list.

    • By default, activity from the client’s start date to the present date will be shown. To change the date range, click the data range filter, select a predefined date range or set a custom date range, and click Apply.

Attendance tracking entries on the Activity page will provide details about what services were affected and the clients and staff members involved, along with changes to attendance status, date, and location.

Icons on the Activity page





A check mark icon

The client attended their scheduled session.


A birthday present icon

The client’s birthday.

Early cancel

A crossed-out clock icon

The client canceled their scheduled session before the cancellation deadline.

Gym visit

A dumbbell icon

The client checked in using a gym visit.

Late cancel


The client canceled their scheduled session after the cancellation deadline.


A red X icon

The client missed their scheduled session without canceling.


A dollar sign icon

The client made a purchase from your store or they were charged for an automatic payment.

Prize redemption

A trophy icon

The client redeemed a prize using their rewards points.

Purchase Option transfer

A price tag icon

The client’s Purchase Option was transferred to another client.


An account profile icon

The client registered with the business.


A star icon

The client wrote a review.

Reward points reset

A stack of tokens icon

The client’s reward points were reset.

Service booking

An icon with a calendar and a plus sign

The client booked a service or a staff member booked a service for the client.

Wait list removal

An icon of a calendar and a minus sign

The client was removed from the wait list for a service.

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