On the Discount Codes page, you can create, modify, or duplicate discount codes that can be applied to eligible store items.
Create a new discount code
To create a discount code, follow these steps:
Click the App Drawer button
then click View All > Setup > Store Configuration > Discount Codes.
On the top left of the Discount Codes page, click New Discount.
On the Create Discount Code page, configure the discount code settings as required.
Set the ACTIVATE DISCOUNT option to ON to make the discount code available to staff and clients.
Click Save Changes.
Modify an existing discount code
To modify an existing discount code, follow these steps:
Click the App Drawer button
then click View All > Setup > Store Configuration > Discount Codes.
On the Discount Codes page, click on the discount code you want to modify. You can use the Search or use filters to easily find the code you’re looking for.
On the Edit Discount Code page, configure the discount code settings as required.
Set the ACTIVATE DISCOUNT option to ON to make the discount code available to staff and clients.
Click Save Changes.
Duplicate an existing discount code
Note: When you duplicate a discount code, the new copy inherits all settings from the original except for the Discount Code field, which will contain a new randomly generated code to make it unique. You can replace this code, as long as the replacement is unique from other discount codes in your business.
To duplicate an existing discount code, follow these steps:
Click the App Drawer button
then click View All > Setup > Store Configuration > Discount Codes.
Create a new discount code or modify an existing one.
On the Create / Edit Discount Code page, on the bottom right, click Duplicate.
You will be taken to the Edit Discount Code page for the duplicated copy. Configure the discount code settings for the copy as required.
Set the ACTIVATE DISCOUNT option to ON to make the discount code available to staff and clients.
Click Save Changes.