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Class Utilization Report
Updated over 3 months ago

You can access the Class Utilization Report by clicking the App Drawer button then clicking View All > Reports > Attendance > Class Utilization.

The Class Utilization Report is an attendance report that displays average attendance rates for your classes. This report can be used to gain an overview of each class’s efficacy, client interest, and common cancellations. The summary cards at the top of the page provide an overview of the key information in the report.

Summary cards in the Class Utilization Report

Summary cards


Average Utilization

The average attendance rate for your scheduled classes during the selected date range. This number is calculated based on the number of classes, the number of attending clients, and the capacity of each class.

Total Capacity

The total number of attendance slots for clients in classes scheduled during the selected date range.

Total Attendance

The total number of times that classes were attended by clients during the selected date range.

No Shows

The total number of clients marked as a no show during the selected date range. No shows are clients who missed a class without cancelling it.

Late Cancels

The total number of clients marked as a late cancel during the selected date range.

Avg Visits Per Service

The average number of times that classes were attended by clients during the selected date range.

Avg No Shows Per Class

The average number of no shows for classes during the selected date range.

Avg Late Cancel Per Class

The average number of late cancels for classes during the selected date range.

Headings in the Class Utilization Report



Service Name

The name of the class.


The location at which the class takes place.

Staff Member

The staff member who is assigned to host this class.


The day of the week on which this class is scheduled to take place.


The time at which this class is scheduled to take place.

Session Count

The number of times that this class has taken place during the selected date range. Classes with empty attendance lists aren’t included in this value.

Total Capacity

The total number of attendance slots for clients in classes during the selected date range.

Total Attendance

The total number of times that this class has been attended by clients.

Average Utilization

The utilization percentage of the class indicates how full it is on average. WellnessLiving automatically calculates this number for you. For example, let’s say in August 2023, you had a class take place four times in the month. The total number of visits was 35, and the total capacity was 100. Based on the system’s formula, 8.75% of your capacity was utilized on average.

Average Attendance

The average number of clients who attend a session of this class.

Average Late Cancels

The average number of late cancels for a session of this class.

Average No Shows

The average number of no shows for a session of this class.

Average Capacity

The average total number of spots available in a session of this class.

Advanced filters in the Class Utilization Report



Client Types

Use this filter to determine which clients to include in the report based on their client type.

Start Time Range

Use this filter to determine which classes to include in the report based on the specific time range during which they occurred.

Day of the Week

Use this filter to determine which classes to include in this report based on the day(s) of the week they occurred.


Use this filter to determine which classes to include in the report.


Use this filter to determine which staff members to include in the report.


Use this filter to determine which locations to include in the report.

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