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Class Details Report
Updated over a month ago

To access the Class Details Report, click the App Drawer button then click View All > Reports > Attendance > Class Details.

The Class Details Report is an attendance report providing detailed information about classes within a specific date range. It’s a valuable tool for understanding your classes, with summary cards at the top offering a concise overview of key information.

Summary cards in the Class Details Report

Note: click the arrow button next to the number under Attended, Late Cancels, No Shows, or Pending to expand a list of clients with the corresponding attendance status. The information displayed in this list is identical to the information displayed in attendance lists.

Summary card



The total number of classes with registered attendees scheduled during the selected date range.

Avg Visits Per Service

The number of classes that were attended by clients compared to the number of classes that were booked during the selected date range.


The total number of classes that were attended by clients during the selected date range.


The total number of classes that have been booked during the selected date range.

After the scheduled time for an upcoming class has passed, it will move to either the Pending, Late Cancels, No Shows, or Attended summary card.

Late Cancels

The total number of clients marked as a late cancel during the selected date range.


The total number of clients who are expected to attend a class during the selected date range but haven’t attended the class yet.

No Shows

The total number of clients marked as a no show during the selected date range. No shows are clients who missed a class without cancelling it.

Headings in the Class Details Report



Service Name

The name of the class.


The staff member who is scheduled to teach this class.


The location at which the class takes place.


The date on which the class takes place.


The time at which the class takes place.


The number of clients whose attendance status for the class is marked as Checked-in.


The number of classes booked for clients during the selected date range.

After the scheduled class time passes, it will move to either the Pending, Late Cancel, No Show, or Attended column.

Late Cancels

The number of clients whose attendance status for the class is Late Cancel.

No Shows

The number of clients whose attendance status for the class is No Show.


The number of unconfirmed clients expected to attend the class during the selected date range.

Note: The service status assigned to clients after the scheduled time depends on the default setting in your business policy settings.


The total number of spots available in the class.


Indicates how full the class is.

This number is calculated by dividing the clients who attended by the total spots available (the number in the Capacity column). For future classes, it’s calculated based on clients who have booked the class

Advanced filters in the Class Details Report




Determines which staff members to include in the report.

Client Status

Determines which clients to include in the report based on whether they currently have an active Purchase Option.

Check-in Status

Determines whether to include check-ins, late cancels, pending check-ins, or no shows in the report.

Start Time Range

Determines which classes to include in the report based on the specific time range during which they occurred.

Day of the Week

Determines which classes to include in this report based on the day(s) of the week they occurred.


Determines which classes to include in the report.


Determines which locations to include in the report.

Client Types

Determines which clients to include in the report based on their client type.

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