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Class Schedule Report
Updated over 2 months ago

To access the Class Schedule Report, click the App Drawer button then click View All > Reports > Attendance > Class Schedule.

The Class Schedule Report is an attendance report that shows attendance details for classes within the selected date range. For example, selecting June 5, 2023, would display a recurring Wednesday class in June, as it intersects with the June 1-30 period.

Summary cards in the Class Schedule Report

Summary card



The total number of classes that intersect with the selected date range.

Headings in the Class Schedule Report



Class Name

The name of the class.


The name and profile image of the staff member scheduled to host this class.

Click the staff member’s name to view their staff member profile.


The location at which the class takes place.

Day of the Week

The day of the week on which the class takes place.

Start Date

The first date that this class is set to be offered.

End Date

The last date that this class is set to be offered.


The total number of spots available in the class.


The utilization percentage shows class attendance, calculated by dividing attendees by total spots (capacity). For future classes, it uses the number of bookings instead of attendees.

Advanced filters in the Class Schedule Report




Determines which classes to include in the report.

Day of the Week

Determines which to include in this report based on the day(s) of the week they occurred.

Include Empty Sessions

Determines whether classes with no attendees should be included in the report.


Determines which staff members to include in the report.

Start Time Range

Determines the classes to include in the report based on the specific time of day they occur.


Determines whether to show inactive classes, active classes, or both in the report.

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