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Updated over a week ago

Note: Only businesses with locations in the US can opt-in the Collections feature. Collections is available as a monthly subscription. For current pricing info, click here.

Understanding Collections

Collections streamlines the process of collecting overdue payments from your clients. Signing up for this feature connects your business to Aldous & Associates, a law firm specializing in payment recovery for fitness industry businesses.

Collections automatically sends a report to Aldous every month, listing clients with payments overdue beyond your business's grace period. Clients are contacted by Aldous, and can make their payments through Aldous or directly on WellnessLiving.

For any questions regarding Aldous and the services they provide, please see the Frequently Asked Questions page on the official Aldous & Associates website.

Why use Collections?

  • Easily recover past-due payments

  • Keep client accounts up to date

  • Promote client retention

  • Prevent revenue loss

What you can do with Collections

When it comes to managing your overdue clients, Collections makes the process a breeze. Some examples include:

  • Exempt clients from Collections as needed through the Balance Due Report. Exempt clients will still have an outstanding balance but will not be sent to Aldous.

  • Monitor payment recovery through the Collection Resolution Reports. Whether clients make their outstanding payments directly to your business or through Aldous, you’ll be able to keep track with ease.

Getting started with Collections

Once you’ve signed up, a number of feature-specific reports are available to you. The Balance Due Report will show you which clients with overdue payments have been sent to Aldous. Additionally, three other reports help you monitor Aldous’ collection efforts.

  • Clients Sent to Collections Report: Displays clients eligible to be sent to collections.

  • Collection Resolution through Direct Payment Report: Displays clients in collections who have made payments directly to your business.

  • Collection Resolution through Agency Report: Displays clients in collections who have made payments to Aldous.

Key tips

  • Set your grace-period. The grace-period is set to 90 days by default but can be tailored to your needs by contacting Aldous.

  • Use Filters in the reports to view clients depending on their Balance Status, Collections Status, Client Type, and more.

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