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Attendance with Purchase Option Details Report
Attendance with Purchase Option Details Report
Updated over a week ago

To access the Attendance with Purchase Option Details Report, click the App Drawer button then click View All > Reports > Attendance > Attendance with Purchase Option Details.

The Attendance with Purchase Option Details Report is an attendance report that displays detailed information about the Purchase Options used to book each service during the selected date range. The summary cards at the top of the page provide an overview of the key information in the report.

Summary cards in the Purchase Option Details Report

Summary card



The total number of sessions booked using a Purchase Option during the selected date range.

Headings in the Attendance with Purchase Option Details Report



Service Name

The name of the service is listed in this column, along with the date, time, and staff member for the service.


The name, email, client ID, and profile image of the client who the service was booked for are listed in this column.

Relevant details about this customer, such as pass status, waiver status, contract status, special notes, unpaid visits, and account balance will be noted here by small icons. Hover over any icon to learn more.

Click on the client’s name to navigate to their profile.

Purchase Option

The Purchase Option used to pay for the service is listed in this column. If a Purchase Option wasn’t used, the possible payment options displayed in this column are:

  • Drop-In – The service was purchased using the drop-in rate.

  • Early Bird – The event was purchased using the Early Bird Discount payment option.

  • Event Purchase – The event was purchased using the one-time payment option.

  • Event Deposit – A payment was made towards the purchase of an event.


If the Purchase Option used to attend the service has an expiration date, that date is listed in this column.


If the Purchase Option used to attend the service has a limited number of visits, the number of visits remaining on the Purchase Option is listed in this column.

Advanced filters in the Attendance with Purchase Option Details Report



Bookable Assets

Use this filter to determine which Book-a-Spot assets to include in the report.

Client Types

Use this filter to determine which clients to include in the report based on their client type.

Start Time Range

Use this filter to determine which services to include in the report based on the start time range selected.

Day of Last Visit

Use this filter to determine which services to include in this report based on the day(s) of the week that clients last visited.

Purchase Option Type

Use this filter to determine which services to include in this report based on the type of Purchase Option used for the visit.


Use this filter to determine which classes to include in the report.


Use this filter to determine which events to include in the report.


Use this filter to determine which appointment types to include in the report.

Class & Events Purchase Options

Use this filter to determine which class/event Purchase Options to include in the report. Class/event Purchase Options are Purchase Options with Class/Events selected as the Purchase Option Service Category. For more information, see Creating or modifying a membership or Creating or modifying a session pass.

Appointment Purchase Options

Use this filter to determine which appointment Purchase Options to include in the report. Appointment Purchase Options are Purchase Options with Appointment selected as the Purchase Option Service Category. For more information, see Creating or modifying a membership or Creating or modifying a session pass.


Use this filter to determine which locations to include in the report.

Client Status

Use this filter to determine which clients to include in the report based on whether they currently have an active Purchase Option.

Check-in Status

Use this filter to determine whether to include check-ins, late cancels, pending check-ins, or no shows in the report.

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